Steve Wasserman: Amazon.com’s Takeover Steve Wasserman: Amazon.com’s Takeover
As a bookseller, Amazon has left no corner of the publishing world untouched. What will happen as it ventures into publishing original content?
Jun 1, 2012 / Books & the Arts / The Nation
Fighting for Domestic Workers in California Fighting for Domestic Workers in California
The Domestic Workers Bill of Rights would be a huge gain for California workers and a terrific example for the rest of the country.
Jun 1, 2012 / Peter Rothberg
Do We Need a Poor People’s Coming-Out Movement? Do We Need a Poor People’s Coming-Out Movement?
One hundred and three million people are poor or near poor in the United States today. Is it time to make the fight against poverty personal?
Jun 1, 2012 / Laura Flanders
The Romney Campaign’s Jewish Test for Mormon Coverage The Romney Campaign’s Jewish Test for Mormon Coverage
“Our test,” explains a Romney aide, “is to substitute ‘Jew’ or ‘Jewish’ ” for articles about a candidate's religion.
Jun 1, 2012 / Ari Melber
Egypt’s Polarizing Presidential Election Egypt’s Polarizing Presidential Election
In the wake of the first round of Egypt's landmark election, two candidates are sitting on opposite poles of a divide that characterized Egyptian politcs for decades.
Jun 1, 2012 / Sharif Abdel Kouddous
Never Drone Alone… Never Drone Alone…
Eric with more from The Cause and Reed on drones.
Jun 1, 2012 / Eric Alterman

Jobs Numbers Reveal Two Crises Jobs Numbers Reveal Two Crises
Not only is there a jobs crisis in America but a political one as well.
Jun 1, 2012 / George Zornick
Jobs Report Shows How Romneynomics Would Hurt the Recovery Jobs Report Shows How Romneynomics Would Hurt the Recovery
Today’s numbers are a reminder that public sector layoffs are keeping the economy down.
Jun 1, 2012 / Bryce Covert
Federal Judge Overturns Draconian Voter Registration Rules in Florida Federal Judge Overturns Draconian Voter Registration Rules in Florida
The Republican Party of Florida believes its voting practices are “easy” to comply with. Civil rights organizations, the Department of Justice and a federal judge all a...
Jun 1, 2012 / Brentin Mock
DOJ Purges Florida’s Voter Purging Initiative DOJ Purges Florida’s Voter Purging Initiative
Say goodbye to Florida’s forty-eight-hour deadline rule for groups handing in voter registration applications.
Jun 1, 2012 / Brentin Mock