What the Laws of War Allow What the Laws of War Allow
Do the WikiLeaks War Logs reveal war crimes? Or do they reveal the poverty of international law?
Apr 16, 2012 / Chase Madar
How Gender Identity May Determine the Right to Vote in 2012 How Gender Identity May Determine the Right to Vote in 2012
Thanks to strict, new voter ID laws that have swept through states, transgender citizens and others whose gender identities don’t match the state’s declaration of it ma...
Apr 16, 2012 / Brentin Mock
Six Rigged Rules Corporations Use to Dodge Taxes Six Rigged Rules Corporations Use to Dodge Taxes
By manipulating offshore havens, bogus bailouts and other loopholes, US corporations have gotten their tax rates down to a forty-year low.
Apr 16, 2012 / Sarah Anderson and Scott Klinger
Occupy Unveils ‘Spring Awakening’ Occupy Unveils ‘Spring Awakening’
The group hopes its initiative will be the beginning of a spring surge.
Apr 16, 2012 / Allison Kilkenny
25 Years Since Al Campanis Shocked Baseball: What’s Changed and What Hasn’t 25 Years Since Al Campanis Shocked Baseball: What’s Changed and What Hasn’t
The decline of African-American involvement in baseball speaks more to twenty-first-century problems than Campanis-era racism does.
Apr 16, 2012 / Dave Zirin
This Week: Was Hilary Rosen Right? PLUS: Voting Rights Watch 2012 This Week: Was Hilary Rosen Right? PLUS: Voting Rights Watch 2012
This week, we discuss the Hilary Rosen and Ann Romney dust-up. Plus, a new joint project with Colorlines.com reporting on voter suppression throught the 2012 election season. And T...
Apr 14, 2012 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
John Nichols: The Power of Symbolism John Nichols: The Power of Symbolism
Governor Scott Walker attempted to pit Wisconsin workers against each other. But the effect was the opposite of what he had intended.
Apr 13, 2012 / Francis Reynolds
Tom Hayden: From Port Huron to Occupy Wall Street Tom Hayden: From Port Huron to Occupy Wall Street
Will Occupy Wall Street achieve goals that older protest movements left unfinished?
Apr 13, 2012 / Press Room
The Language of the Hilary Rosen/Ann Romney Phony Feud The Language of the Hilary Rosen/Ann Romney Phony Feud
The phrase “never worked a day in her life” immediately creates an Us vs. Them—and the media loves it.
Apr 13, 2012 / Leslie Savan
Comments of the Week: Hilary Rosen, the 99% Spring and the Supreme Court Comments of the Week: Hilary Rosen, the 99% Spring and the Supreme Court
Each week we post a run-down of the best of our reader comments with the hopes of highlighting some of your most valuable insights and encouraging more people to join the fray. Let...
Apr 13, 2012 / Sarah Arnold