
A Fight Bigger Than ALEC

A Fight Bigger Than ALEC A Fight Bigger Than ALEC

As campaigns against the right-wing group continue, we must fight its sabotaging of voting rights across the country.

Apr 25, 2012 / The Editors

What Teachers Want

What Teachers Want What Teachers Want

New studies show that many teachers are unhappy in their jobs—and in this climate of austerity, it's no wonder.

Apr 25, 2012 / Dana Goldstein

Noted Noted

Elizabeth Whitman on participatory budgeting, Jessica Valenti on dirty tricks against Planned Parenthood, Scott Sherman on the fight over the New York Public Library, plus: the dea...

Apr 25, 2012 / Various Contributors

A New Low in Attacks on Freedom of Speech A New Low in Attacks on Freedom of Speech

Tarek Mehanna got seventeen years in prison for translating a document.

Apr 25, 2012 / David Cole

Ron Paul, Still Standing Ron Paul, Still Standing

Mitt’s opposite number is still in the race. Paul has his supporters; he has his own base. He has his own style, which is folksy, not canned. Religion? He’s got one. His prophet’s Ayn Rand. By Rand’s wacko theories he’s fervently gripped, So he won’t do flip-flops. He long ago flipped.

Apr 25, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Defending Israel (and Waiting for a Miracle)

Defending Israel (and Waiting for a Miracle) Defending Israel (and Waiting for a Miracle)

American Jews could play a useful role in aiding our Israeli cousins to see that they are destroying what was noble about their country. Why won't they?

Apr 25, 2012 / Column / Eric Alterman

It Takes a Village Inn It Takes a Village Inn

A diverse democracy requires us to be able to live near one another, to come together in public space and to engage across differences.

Apr 25, 2012 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry

The Other America, 2012: Confronting the Poverty Epidemic

The Other America, 2012: Confronting the Poverty Epidemic The Other America, 2012: Confronting the Poverty Epidemic

To restore the American Dream for the 99 percent, we must first bring the “invisible poor” out of the shadows.

Apr 25, 2012 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky

What Would Michael Harrington Say?

What Would Michael Harrington Say? What Would Michael Harrington Say?

Fifty years after the publication of The Other America, imagining that the author would find cause for hope—and dismay—in today's political culture.

Apr 25, 2012 / Feature / Maurice Isserman

Will People Power Defeat Scott Walker and His Cronies? Will People Power Defeat Scott Walker and His Cronies?

The protests in Wisconsin have inspired a new generation of candidates—and they’re winning.

Apr 25, 2012 / Feature / John Nichols
