Ideology and Electricity: The Soviet Experience in Afghanistan Ideology and Electricity: The Soviet Experience in Afghanistan
Rodric Braithwaite, Jonathan Steele and Artemy Kalinovsky analyze the forgotten history of Afghan communism and the Soviet occupation.
Apr 17, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Christian Parenti
Pikuach Nefesh: On God and Gays Pikuach Nefesh: On God and Gays
Mark Jordan and Jay Michaelson seek hope for gay religious practice in heretical churches and the Hebrew Bible.
Apr 17, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Mark Oppenheimer
Puzzle No. 3236 Puzzle No. 3236
Don’t miss Kosman and Picciotto’s crossword blog, Word Salad.
Apr 17, 2012 / Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto
Letters Letters
Feedback on the April 9 issue: trusting government (“again?”), Katha Pollitt’s plea to affluent pro-choicers and Burt Neuborne's open letter to the ACLU
Apr 17, 2012 / Our Readers and Burt Neuborne
The Drought The Drought
Dip him in the river who loves water… said the cook on the cooking show… Take the hearts of thirty ducks… and here’s the trick… You must keep them wet… the way to go… the way to go is broth… Ok… Broth of hearts of duck… I went to go buy broth stuff… a bay leaf… Oh said the grocer… With duck heart what you want is spice… Curry the thirty hearts he said… Back home… Hurrying… Ok, curry… The mailman smelled the place… Oh Ho he said… I smell blood… he opened the pot… Why if it isn’t 30 duck hearts… Of course you’re going to skewer them…? Skewers… I had to… I had to go… I ran down to the hardware depot… Skewers…? Well it’s not BBQ season… I persisted… I explained the meal… the populace… Meanwhile… customers were coming… buying out all the salt and shovels… for the blizzard… buying out all the fireworks… for the Fourth… buying out all the hammers and nails… for Hurricane Ross… Remained: some rope… I’d hang them… if I had to… It’s not thirty duck hearts is it… asked the clerk… I didn’t dare talk… To skewer the hearts of thirty duckers… he said… you need the beaks of thirty ivory-billed woodpeckers… Are those… rare?… As rare as they come, he said… Better give me 31… Ran home… the kitchen was smelling… majestic… Ok…Ok… Almost ready… The places set… Candles lit… The downstairs neighbor tuning her pipe organ… 29 special guests filed in… Please sit… May I present… In the heart of each duck… there was a glint… majestic… They said, Is that…? Yes, I said… Yes… each one swimming in sauce and broth… Oh, they said… Oh no no no… Had I…? Were they…? No, no no no no … Dip him in the river who loves water… Yes that’s the recipe I followed… That’s not the way it goes… anymore… they said… They said… each heart should be served raw… and drowning… in a sacred diamond-flavored fountain… I was so… I didn’t usually believe in impressing… But these guests!… Honestly… They were just… They were as hungry as I was… One especially kind… one offered to… to pawn the woodpecker skewers… I lied… said they were worthless… said Oh they were free… Oh just papier-mâché… Oh found a ton of them lying around… down… where the river used to be…
Apr 17, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Darcie Dennigan

Obama Announces Empty Crackdown on Oil Speculation Obama Announces Empty Crackdown on Oil Speculation
The president outlined good ideas that have no chance of happening this year, and is eschewing real action.
Apr 17, 2012 / George Zornick
David Blume: Nature Is Smarter Than Pesticide David Blume: Nature Is Smarter Than Pesticide
Our country has been on a treadmill of pesticides since World War II.
Apr 17, 2012 / On The Earth Productions
The Fed Plays Cute The Fed Plays Cute
Even when releasing documents to the public, the Fed acts like a CIA for money.
Apr 17, 2012 / William Greider
The Green Festival in New York The Green Festival in New York
The Green Festival is a two-day party with a very serious objective: expanding popular support for policies aimed at ecological sustainability and social justice.
Apr 17, 2012 / Peter Rothberg
David Holmgren: The Reverse of Globalization David Holmgren: The Reverse of Globalization
How can permaculture help shape a new world order?
Apr 17, 2012 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions