
From Nation Interns: This Week’s Top Stories (2/16) From Nation Interns: This Week’s Top Stories (2/16)

Each week, The Nation interns pick compelling stories in their areas of interest.

Feb 16, 2012 / StudentNation / The Nation

Poll Dancing Poll Dancing

Eric on Richard Thompson and Reed on the flawed history of polling.

Feb 16, 2012 / Eric Alterman

Occupying the SEC for a Stronger Volcker Rule

Occupying the SEC for a Stronger Volcker Rule Occupying the SEC for a Stronger Volcker Rule

In a public comment to the SEC, an Occupy working group details troubling loopholes in the Volcker Rule, part of the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill.

Feb 16, 2012 / Rachel Signer

Jeremy Scahill: How US Counterterrorism Efforts Ignited an Islamist Uprising in Yemen Jeremy Scahill: How US Counterterrorism Efforts Ignited an Islamist Uprising in Yemen

Have US counterterrorism operations in Yemen actually strengthened the threats they were designed to eliminate?

Feb 16, 2012 / Press Room

Rich Republicans Say Birth Control Is Cheap Rich Republicans Say Birth Control Is Cheap

Conservative millionaires and billionaires don’t see any need for health insurance to cover birth control when aspirin is cheaply available. 

Feb 16, 2012 / Ben Adler

Jeremy Scahill: Militant Blowback in Yemen

Jeremy Scahill: Militant Blowback in Yemen Jeremy Scahill: Militant Blowback in Yemen

What role and responsibility does the United States have for the situation in Yemen?

Feb 16, 2012 / The Nation

Katrina vanden Heuvel: Women’s Health Is a New Front in the GOP’s War on Obama Katrina vanden Heuvel: Women’s Health Is a New Front in the GOP’s War on Obama

In the Republican frenzy to take down Obama, women and their health have become collateral damage.

Feb 16, 2012 / Press Room

Honduras in Flames Honduras in Flames

The horrific prison fire in Comayagua is only the latest deadly outcome of the larger politically driven firestorm that is post-coup Honduras today.

Feb 16, 2012 / Dana Frank

Republican Hearing on Contraception: No Women Allowed Republican Hearing on Contraception: No Women Allowed

Republicans are holding a hearing on contraceptive access this morning, but don’t expect to hear from any women.

Feb 16, 2012 / George Zornick

John Nichols: Wisconsin’s Uprising

John Nichols: Wisconsin’s Uprising John Nichols: Wisconsin’s Uprising

Early 2011 was a dark time for the American left, until the Wisconsin protests began.

Feb 16, 2012 / Francis Reynolds and Emily Douglas
