I Thought That I Would Never See a Pol Who Loved the Height of Trees I Thought That I Would Never See a Pol Who Loved the Height of Trees
“I love this state. It seems right here. The trees are the right height.” —Mitt Romney, in his home state of Michigan Away from here, I find no trees that please— No trees at such a perfect height as these. For me, I cannot ever be at ease With trees that grow no higher than one’s knees Or too tall trees that splinter in a freeze. Wisconsin, sure, has bragging rights on cheese. And California’s rich in Cantonese. And Colorado’s where to take your skis. Connecticut, of course, has Lyme disease. At none of these am I prepared to sneeze. But here we have the perfect height of trees.
Feb 29, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Right-Wing Racism: Past, Present—and Future Right-Wing Racism: Past, Present—and Future
The GOP panders to racists, and liberals are blamed for a “neurotic” obsession with race.
Feb 29, 2012 / Column / Eric Alterman
Olympia Snowe and Misdiagnosing Gridlock Olympia Snowe and Misdiagnosing Gridlock
The Beltway press is lamenting the polarization of Washington, but it is also ignoring the real cause.
Feb 29, 2012 / George Zornick

Greece in Meltdown Greece in Meltdown
In less than two years, Athens has changed from a reasonably prosperous capital to a broken city.
Feb 29, 2012 / Feature / Maria Margaronis

America’s Fossil Fuel Fever America’s Fossil Fuel Fever
Costly technologies have opened up new sources in the Western Hemisphere—but they pose immense environmental dangers.
Feb 29, 2012 / Feature / Michael T. Klare
Nuclear Power? Germany Says ‘Nein Danke’ Nuclear Power? Germany Says ‘Nein Danke’
The transition to a low-carbon future is ambitious and, so far, has been remarkably smooth.
Feb 29, 2012 / Feature / Paul Hockenos

Duvalier and Haiti’s Triple Threat Duvalier and Haiti’s Triple Threat
Why was Baby Doc able to return after decades of exile and evade justice, despite his crimes?
Feb 29, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Amy Wilentz

Jeremy Lin Inspires a Nation Jeremy Lin Inspires a Nation
The NBA point-guard phenom has sparked a national discussion about racism against Asian-Americans.
Feb 29, 2012 / Feature / Dave Zirin

Life After Merce Life After Merce
Can the work of Merce Cunningham survive his death and the closing of his dance company?
Feb 29, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Marina Harss
Of Deserts and Promised Lands: The Dream of Global Justice Of Deserts and Promised Lands: The Dream of Global Justice
Jenny Martinez and Kathryn Sikkink offer conflicting histories of the ascendency of international courts.
Feb 29, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Samuel Moyn