The GOP’s Blatant Racism The GOP’s Blatant Racism
From Newt Gingrich to Ron Paul, Republican presidential candidates have stopped speaking in code and embraced baldly racist rhetoric.
Jan 11, 2012 / Column / Gary Younge

Why Is Congress Redlining Our Schools? Why Is Congress Redlining Our Schools?
The new version of the federal education law would further entrench the problems besetting schools that serve poor and minority children.
Jan 11, 2012 / Feature / Linda Darling-Hammond

On Puffins and Presidents On Puffins and Presidents
Citizenship is not just a duty. It’s a blessing, a gift handed down by generations of forebears.
Jan 11, 2012 / Feature / Tony Kushner
Grassroots Democracy in Venezuela Grassroots Democracy in Venezuela
One town’s participatory budget has attracted activists and officials from around the world.
Jan 11, 2012 / Feature / Gabriel Hetland

Vermont vs. Vermont Yankee Vermont vs. Vermont Yankee
Should states or the rubber-stamp NRC decide whether nuclear plants continue to operate?
Jan 11, 2012 / Feature / Michael Blanding

The Devil, Probably: On Maurizio Cattelan The Devil, Probably: On Maurizio Cattelan
An artist known as a trickster and showman stages a disappearing act at the Guggenheim.
Jan 11, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky

Crime and Punishment: On William Stuntz Crime and Punishment: On William Stuntz
A lack of local democracy and equal protection has led to the collapse of the American criminal justice system.
Jan 11, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Michael O’Donnell
Algeria’s Wounds Algeria’s Wounds
Most people caught up in the Algerian War left no accounts of it at all.
Jan 11, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Richard Vinen
The Language The Language
field of black sheep who know Church Latin a shipyard of vessels all named Sentence a tangle of words in a basket of laundry a night like no other blackbirds falling like endings a gift unrecognized by grace a barrel only a barrel at the Stoics’ Hotel they stay for years getting lost in the language
Jan 11, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Maxine Chernoff
Puzzle No. 3223 Puzzle No. 3223
ACROSS 1 “I should buy a hybrid, I should buy a hybrid,” for example? (14) 8 Edgy present, perhaps (5) 9 Follower of head mystic, torn (8) 11 Neutralize Roman poet clutching slip with ease, initially (8) 12 Old city held by very bright, specialized cell (6) 14 Hearing Belafonte is difficult (5) 15 “Manifestations of Chicken”: sign in Pennsylvania (9) 17 Slippery one could ultimately come in to play a guitar or percussion instrument (5,4) 19 “Speedy Snoop Dogg” for Calvin Broadus, e.g. (5) 20 Grandfather, among others, discussed cat’s features (6) 22 Gymnastics feat “Southern Cross” is choreographed (8) 24 Raccoon’s twist-and-squeeze anecdote told (8) 25 Outlandish ideas expressed to the audience (5) 26 Canceled date? It’s a letdown (14) DOWN 1 Science attacks, following baseball team’s award (12) 2 Citrus incense packed in a can with a bit of emulsifier (9) 3 Completely trust our group in fast-food restaurant, starting with dessert (5,2) 4 Gang leader fled junkie—a spectacle (5,5) 5 A nymph in the chorus (4) 6 16 trooped all over (7) 7 Landlord enters—grow nervous (5) 10 Peruvian ancestry? Brilliant (12) 13 Noodles around, playing R.E.M. (six strings) (10) 16 Volatile former pâtissier originally chopped olives (9) 18 Here’s the dish: Martin finally invested in L.A. Story (7) 19 Take it from the top with what’s left: illustrations (7) 21 Fighter, swinging both ways, is out (5) 23 Whitman’s barbaric cry, raised very softly (4) ACROSS 1 29 8 26 down 8 29 1 pun 3 “wins or not” 9 anag. 10 TAB + OO 11 [s]IC[k] + EMAN (name rev.) 12 SLAP + DASH (pals rev.) 14 NORT + HS + TAR (Tron rev.) 17 palindrome 19 hidden 20 anag. 22 GAME(P)LAN 23 PAR + SEE 26 hidden 27 2 defs. 28 2 defs. DOWN 1 anag. 2 [w]ADDLE 3 WARP + ATH[o]S 4 odd letters 5 SME[g] + LLA + RAT (rev.) 6 RET(Y)PE (Peter anag.) 7 2 defs. 13 2 defs. 14 ROLE + MODEL 16 anag. 18 VITA + MIND 21 “a plum” 24 S + TIFF 25 rev.
Jan 10, 2012 / Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto