‘Full-Spectrum Conservative’ Santorum Grabs ‘Not-Romney’ Title ‘Full-Spectrum Conservative’ Santorum Grabs ‘Not-Romney’ Title
Bachmann exits and Perry dials back, while strong Santorum and Paul finishes will delay the Romney coronation.
Jan 4, 2012 / John Nichols
Puzzle No. 3222 Puzzle No. 3222
ACROSS 1, 29, 8, 26 down, 8, 29, 1 Song excerp2 from 19T5? (3,3,3,3,3,3,3) 3 One way to manage a tie at a hearing—victories or otherwise (7,4) 9 Brew ale, burned within the limits of tolerance (9) 10 Bill loves that which is forbidden (5) 11 Essentially, sick and regressive reputation for someone who once delivered (6) 12 Random friends retreating with élan (8) 14 Disney movie about high school: Sailor’s Guide for Sailors (5,4) 17 Leo’s heroine looks the same in the mirror (4) 19 Unemployed guest of David Letterman (4) 20 Sneakily trap a rich father (9) 22 Foreign orchestra includes piano in program (4,4) 23 Zoroastrian is average, capisce? (6) 26 Sound captured by Saudi oilman (5) 27 Hatter’s routine—it could get you wet (9) 28 Pondered and re-enslaved? (11) 29 See 1 across DOWN 1 Broadway musical that’s nothing like Footloose (3,4,4) 2 Puzzle: how a duck can walk without a head (5) 3 Pervert musketeer without leader in obviously hostile courses of action (8) 4 Arrests odd characters in (near) base (4) 5 Suspect and besmirch all jewelry, uncovered and returned (5,1,3) 6 Peter Tosh welcomes Mary, at last, to enter again (6) 7 Scarecrow, for instance, is an easy one to deal with (2-7) 8 See 1 across 13 Actor’s accounts of wastelands (5,6) 15 Part T or A, for example (4,5) 16 Somebody like Savion Glover can depart, unfortunately (3,6) 18 Resume covering brain with healthful substance (7,1) 21 A fruit in your mouth is cool (6) 24 Hard, small quarrel (5) 25 Stain blouses upside down (4) 26 See 1 across ACROSS 1 2 defs. 5 INTE(G)R + A 9 G(ENOC)ID + AL (rev.) 10 F(L)ORA 11 EPS + OMS + A + LT’S 12 I GO + R 13 hidden 15 POTASSIU + M (I pass out anag.) 18 ref. 22 across 19 MU + FTI (fit anag.) 21 A + FA[i]R 22 anag. 26 I(BIZ) A 27 P(O)INCIANA (in a panic anag.) 28 GE(RAIN)T 29 GRA[b] + TINE DOWN 1 TI(GRE + A)N (rev.) 2 N(ONE)S 3 INC + UM + BENT 4 RED CAR + PET 5 IS + LET 6 TU(F)T 7 GO + OD GRIEF (fog ride anag.) 8 AN + AGRA + M (ref. 1 across 5, 28, 29, 1 down, 18, 20) 14 CHE(VALI[d])ER 16 anag. 17 SI + MULA + CRA (rev.) 18 2 defs. 20 2 defs. 23 anag. 24 init. letters 25 MAG + I (rev.)
Jan 4, 2012 / Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto

Anxious and Paralyzed: On Spahr, Gordon, Moschovakis and Ossip Anxious and Paralyzed: On Spahr, Gordon, Moschovakis and Ossip
Books by four poets about big modern systems whose results and failures seem inescapable.
Jan 4, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Stephen Burt
Black Candle Black Candle
Your girlish shoulders are for blushing, For blushing under whips, and in dawn’s raw ice to shine. Your child-like hands are for pushing, For pushing flatirons and feed sacks, and knotting twine. Your feet, infant-tender, are for tiptoeing, Tiptoeing through shattered glass, in the blood-tracked clay. And I, I am for you, a black candle burning, Like a black candle I am burning, and dare not pray. (translated from the Russian by Christian Wiman)
Jan 4, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Osip Mandelstam

Last Year’s Model: On Simon Reynolds Last Year’s Model: On Simon Reynolds
A critic of pop’s retro turn can’t shake his own strain of pop nostalgia.
Jan 4, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Sara Marcus

Extremely Extremely
Stephen Daldry’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Wim Wenders’s Pina.
Jan 4, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
Voting Rights, Super PACs and the Media Cloud the Election Voting Rights, Super PACs and the Media Cloud the Election
Three issues that will matter far more in November than tonight's results.
Jan 3, 2012 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
John Nichols: The Iowa Caucuses Battle Has Been Ugly and Destructive Politics John Nichols: The Iowa Caucuses Battle Has Been Ugly and Destructive Politics
If we don't get serious about addressing Citizens United, we're going to end up with a much uglier, much more destructive politics.
Jan 3, 2012 / Press Room
Mitt Calls His Opponents Girls, but Not to Their Faces Mitt Calls His Opponents Girls, but Not to Their Faces
Romney feminized his foes three times in five days. What’s he really trying to say?
Jan 3, 2012 / Leslie Savan
The Winner Tonight: Iowa’s 1 Percent The Winner Tonight: Iowa’s 1 Percent
No matter who emerges victorious tonight, their economic plan would transfer even more money to the top of the income scale.
Jan 3, 2012 / George Zornick