
Puzzle No. 3219 Puzzle No. 3219

ACROSS  1 Religious figure shreds television accessory (6,4)  6 Mast’s box (4) 10 Where zlotys are stored for an event (4,5) 11 Core of scorched earth (5) 12 Why don’t we broadcast Latvians? (5) 13 Dodging most of state with one hop (9) 14 Circulated a mailer in Western city (7) 15 Black bird-dog (6) 18 Cars without Ed inside (6) 19 Taking on the first gang is pressing (7) 21 Dental irregularities and misshapen toes I went around to cure, for example (9) 23 Unraveling wires is more prudent (5) 25 Reject green water (5) 26 Profound awe about distressed veneer covering front of cabinet (9) 27 Turner precedes head of overseas alliance (4) 28 In general, conservative throngs present something terrifying (5,5) DOWN  1 Keep away pariah on the rise (5)  2 Reinforced debt’s role in crisis (9)  3 In religious attire, bluff Wall Street institution (10,4)  4 Acted like a flightless bird, deceased (dead) (8)  5 Budget to betray concealed intelligence (6)  7 Man eating river shrimp (5)  8 14D is TNT George exploded (6,3)  9 Church council guaranteed to induce weight loss? (3,4,2,5) 14 8 deposited around rock (4,3,2) 16 Musical slide that tells you how to interpret “glund” as “sound”? (9) 17 Overlook composer’s correspondence (8) 20 Holy man with roguish formality (6) 22 Be a supporter of patriarchal hegemony without leadership (5) 24 Slender animals climbing over yurt’s roof (5)   TINKER 2A LE(CAR+R)E, 6A M(URAL)IST, 19A DO(MAIN)S, 2D CO(U)LD, 15D HARE (“hair”)   TAILOR 11A LIDS (anag.), 13A STIR (2 defs.), 16A SAVIOR (anag.), 4D IRIS[h] + [fl]ES[hy], 12D SKEWE + D (weeks anag.)   SOLDIER 7A SAW (2 defs.), 17A RED (rev.), 1D TIER (“tear”), 8D [g]RANT, 10D ADS (anag.)   SPY 9A T + U(L)SA, 18A FRE(U)DIAN (a friend anag.), 3D ERAS(E) + S, 5D ESAU (init. letters), 14D I + OW + AN

Dec 6, 2011 / Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto

Letters Letters

Bill Moyers hits it out of the park, Rita Dove writes and Jeremy Bass replies, Wangari Maathai was missed, comments about our look

Dec 6, 2011 / Our Readers and Jeremy Bass

The Competition Pandemic The Competition Pandemic

HIGH SCHOOL FINALIST: The demise of society will be the result of an insidious disease.

Dec 6, 2011 / Stephanie Weiner

Balance: A Crisis of Information and Democracy Balance: A Crisis of Information and Democracy

COLLEGE FINALIST: In the service of maintaining what passes as "balance," journalists strip news of both truth and controversy.

Dec 6, 2011 / Melanie Muller

In Osawatomie, Obama Embraces New Populist Moment

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The president’s big speech in Kansas today reflected the extent to which Occupy Wall Street has changed the country’s political conversation.

Dec 6, 2011 / Ari Berman

Playing With Fire: Obama’s Risky Oil Threat to China Playing With Fire: Obama’s Risky Oil Threat to China

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Dec 6, 2011 / Michael T. Klare

It’s Accountability Time for Banks and Wall Street It’s Accountability Time for Banks and Wall Street

The bailouts were worse than we thought.

Dec 6, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Scott Sherman: Is the Renovation of New York’s Public Library Modernization or Cultural Damage? Scott Sherman: Is the Renovation of New York’s Public Library Modernization or Cultural Damage?

Will the new president's mega-million-dollar makeover of the main library scare off scholars and leave the branches begging?

Dec 6, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Press Room

Paul Ryan’s Undeserved Awards Paul Ryan’s Undeserved Awards

Politico naming Paul Ryan “Health Care Policymaker of the Year” is as ludicrous as deficit hawk groups giving him a “fiscal responsibility” award.

Dec 6, 2011 / Ari Berman

The Postal Service Plots Its Own Demise

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Cuts in service, shuttering facilities and mass layoffs will hurt workers, communities, the USPS and the economy.

Dec 6, 2011 / John Nichols
