Misogyny is Killing My Generation Misogyny is Killing My Generation
HIGH SCHOOL FINALIST: Suddenly, my opinion of a record I had been listening to for over eight years was turned on its head.
Dec 2, 2011 / Kevin Xiong
Facing Up Facing Up
COLLGE FINALIST: There’s still time to face up to the issues we stand to inherit, and our generation has the modern means to do it. Whether we can muster the will&m...
Dec 2, 2011 / Alex Klein
“Mommy, Where Are All the Black Kids?” “Mommy, Where Are All the Black Kids?”
HIGH SCHOOL FINALIST: A Black face in my high school would become as foreign as a repressed memory that everyone just seemed to forget existed.
Dec 2, 2011 / Ashley Arkhurst
Dangers of an Absent Mind Dangers of an Absent Mind
COLLEGE FINALIST: The inability for people to live in the present may become increasingly dangerous as it continues to become more socially acceptable.
Dec 2, 2011 / Jake Shoemaker

What Will Become of My Generation? What Will Become of My Generation?
HIGH SCHOOL WINNER: A graduating high school senior reflects on her generation's embattled future—and its dwindling access to quality education.
Dec 2, 2011 / Hannah Moon

Maybe I Would Be Alone Maybe I Would Be Alone
COLLEGE WINNER: Catastrophe is different when it is personal.
Dec 2, 2011 / Bryce Wilson Stucki
Keystone XL Isn’t Dead Yet Keystone XL Isn’t Dead Yet
Two Republican bills in Congress have the potential to restart the pipeline project.
Dec 2, 2011 / George Zornick

The 2011 Nation Student Writing Contest The 2011 Nation Student Writing Contest
We're delighted to announce the winners of The Nation's sixth annual Student Writing Contest!
Dec 2, 2011 / StudentNation / The Nation

Hard Times at Occupy Boston Hard Times at Occupy Boston
One of the last big encampments left, Occupy Boston is strugging to square its inclusive philosophy with the realities of urban life.
Dec 2, 2011 / Sam Graham-Felsen
Remembering Martina Correia Remembering Martina Correia
Even after her brother, Troy Davis, was executed, Martina never stopped fighting the death penalty. Yesterday, she lost her fight against breast cancer.
Dec 2, 2011 / Liliana Segura