
Melissa Harris-Perry: Herman Cain’s Campaign Train Wreck Melissa Harris-Perry: Herman Cain’s Campaign Train Wreck

What is Cain still doing in the GOP's presidential nomination race?

Dec 1, 2011 / Press Room

The GOP’s Interesting Payroll Tax Cut Proposal The GOP’s Interesting Payroll Tax Cut Proposal

 A new idea from the GOP about how to pay for a payroll tax cut indicates they might be losing a messaging battle on income inequality.

Dec 1, 2011 / George Zornick

Nation Conversations: Jordan Smith: Reproductive Health? Not in Rick Perry’s Texas

Nation Conversations: Jordan Smith: Reproductive Health? Not in Rick Perry’s Texas Nation Conversations: Jordan Smith: Reproductive Health? Not in Rick Perry’s Texas

As governor of Texas, Rick Perry has deliberately and systematically bankrupted state-provided healthcare for low income and uninsured women.

Dec 1, 2011 / The Nation

Nation Interns Choose the Week’s Most Important Stories (12/1) Nation Interns Choose the Week’s Most Important Stories (12/1)

Every week, Nation interns try to cut through the echo chamber and choose one good article in their area of interest that they feel should receive more attention. 

Dec 1, 2011 / StudentNation / The Nation

The Maldives Need Action at Durban Conference on Climate Change The Maldives Need Action at Durban Conference on Climate Change

The lowest country on the planet needs action at the UN world conference on climate change in Durban. But “Occupy COP17” is expecting much from governments.

Dec 1, 2011 / Laura Flanders

Netanyahu to Israeli Jews: Don’t Marry Americans Netanyahu to Israeli Jews: Don’t Marry Americans

New Israeli ads portray American Jews as ignorant lost souls. 

Dec 1, 2011 / Dana Goldstein

Creative Destruction in the Greater Middle East Creative Destruction in the Greater Middle East

The single most monstrous mistake of the Bush years—the confusion of military with economic power—has been set in stone.

Dec 1, 2011 / Tom Engelhardt

You Can Arrest an Idea You Can Arrest an Idea

Count the liberal mayor of Los Angeles as one of those apologists for suppressing truth in the name of civic order.

Dec 1, 2011 / Robert Scheer

Catastrophe in Egypt: Islamists Win, Military Rules Catastrophe in Egypt: Islamists Win, Military Rules

 Liberal, secular parties and the Tahrir Square movement is trounced.

Dec 1, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

Campus Violence Continues at Indiana University Campus Violence Continues at Indiana University

Campus violence has been a hot-button issue since the recent assaults against students peacefully demonstrating at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, and CUNY Baruch. Albeit with far less br...

Nov 30, 2011 / StudentNation / Krystie Yandoli
