
Ai-jen Poo: Domestic Workers and the Roots of Exclusion Ai-jen Poo: Domestic Workers and the Roots of Exclusion

Domestic workers, many of them women of color or undocumented immigrants, are one of the most vulnerable labor pools when it comes to workplace abuses and sexual violence.

Nov 2, 2011 / Francis Reynolds and Emily Douglas

Ai-jen Poo: Domestic Workers and the Roots of Exclusion

Ai-jen Poo: Domestic Workers and the Roots of Exclusion Ai-jen Poo: Domestic Workers and the Roots of Exclusion

Domestic workers, many of them women of color or undocumented immigrants, are one of the most vulnerable labor pools when it comes to workplace abuses and sexual violence.

Nov 2, 2011 / Francis Reynolds and Emily Douglas

Progressives on Supercommittee Marginalized Amidst Deficit Theater Progressives on Supercommittee Marginalized Amidst Deficit Theater

A new super-supercommittee is clearly trying to exclude voices that want to protect Medicare and Social Security. 

Nov 2, 2011 / George Zornick

Syria OK’s Arab League Deal Syria OK’s Arab League Deal

 Obama wants Assad to quit, but the Arab League and Syria have agreed on a peace plan to resolve the crisis.

Nov 2, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

Santorum Campaigns on His Disabled Daughter but Opposes Disability Rights Santorum Campaigns on His Disabled Daughter but Opposes Disability Rights

Rick Santorum, father of a disabled child, would be a terrible president for people with disabilities. 

Nov 2, 2011 / Ben Adler

Side by Side: On Britain’s School Wars

Side by Side: On Britain’s School Wars Side by Side: On Britain’s School Wars

Melissa Benn attacks the deepening rift of privilege and privatization in Britain’s secondary schools.

Nov 2, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Stefan Collini

improphised improphised

               1imagine peter, not nodding over his palms that dawn, but praying the vindictive                2prayers of the righteous, drawing enough testosterone up from his balls to light                3all the dew in the garden afire, more than enough to keep him awake, enough                4even to make him slap judas’s silvery lips before they could kiss the sacrifice,                5causing chaos among the spear- bearing romans : imagine him alive with the fury                6of love and utterly blind to the lacerated look on his friend-of-friends’ face, denying                7nothing, not his name, not his faith, not his rage, hurling affirmations at his inquisitors—                8yes, i am the man! : this peter, all flesh and flood, imagine him murderously steadfast,                9less rock than stone, a self- made weapon, still weeping at the cock’s crow, every pre-                10diction re-writing itself anew in his woeful image : human if he did and human if he didn’t.

Nov 2, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Evie Shockley

Shelf Life

Shelf Life Shelf Life

Rita Dove's Penguin Anthology of 20th Century Poetry.

Nov 2, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Jeremy Bass

American Idol: On Nietzsche in America

American Idol: On Nietzsche in America American Idol: On Nietzsche in America

Why early twentieth-century Americans—from anarchists to Baptist ministers—fell for the philosophy of Nietzsche.

Nov 1, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Ross Posnock

Whose News? On Race and the American Media Whose News? On Race and the American Media

News for All the People is a journalistic morality tale.

Nov 1, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Diane Simon
