Why the Supercommittee Should Go Small Why the Supercommittee Should Go Small
Groups urging Congress to achieve $4 trillion in deficit reduction are totally divorced from political and economic reality.
Oct 28, 2011 / Ari Berman
Solidarity Teach-Ins at a College Near You Solidarity Teach-Ins at a College Near You
Starting November 2, schools across the nation will participate in teach-ins about Occupy Wall Street in hopes of continuing and extending the dialogue that was started by the Oc...
Oct 27, 2011 / StudentNation / Natalia Abrams
One More Try: The Rules Versus the Game One More Try: The Rules Versus the Game
A response to Dave Zirin's "Re-reply to Prof Lawrence Lessig: Where Does Change Actually Come From?"
Oct 27, 2011 / Lawrence Lessig
Nine Questions for Herman Cain Nine Questions for Herman Cain
It’s time we took Herman Cain seriously and interrogated his unserious plans and assertions.
Oct 27, 2011 / Ben Adler
Ball of Confusion Ball of Confusion
Alterman on Motown and Reed on Tom Waits and the 99 percent.
Oct 27, 2011 / Eric Alterman
How the Wounding of a Vet Who Dared to Dissent Stirred a New Wave of Dissent How the Wounding of a Vet Who Dared to Dissent Stirred a New Wave of Dissent
The violence in Oakland has provoked a global outcry, as activists ask how a Marine can survive Iraq only to be seriously injured while peacefully protesting on the streets of an A...
Oct 27, 2011 / John Nichols
House Democrats Upset With Supercommittee Negotiations House Democrats Upset With Supercommittee Negotiations
While the supercommittee pursues a “grand bargain” on deficit reduction, progressive members of the House are speaking out against deep cuts.
Oct 27, 2011 / George Zornick
Debt Forgiveness, Euro-Style Debt Forgiveness, Euro-Style
The big nations of the EU worked out a deal to resolve their financial crisis that does what US politicians lack the nerve to pursue. The Europeans are whacking the bankers big-...
Oct 27, 2011 / William Greider

‘It’s Up To Us’: Occupy Colleges Gains Traction ‘It’s Up To Us’: Occupy Colleges Gains Traction
There is nothing more important than participating in the largest demonstration of social change in our lives.
Oct 27, 2011 / StudentNation / Krystie Yandoli
Melissa Harris-Perry: Mississippi’s Attempt to Limit Women’s Reproductive Rights Melissa Harris-Perry: Mississippi’s Attempt to Limit Women’s Reproductive Rights
A Constitutional amendment is on the November 8 ballot in Mississippi which wants to amend the Bill of Rights to declare a fertilized human egg as a legal person.
Oct 27, 2011 / Press Room