
Paul Ryan: Class Warrior for the Wealthy Paul Ryan: Class Warrior for the Wealthy

Paul Ryan's latest outlandish attack on President Obama proves he's a first-rate demagogue and phony deficit hawk. 

Oct 26, 2011 / Ari Berman

Lawrence Lessig Responds Lawrence Lessig Responds

 A response to Dave Zirin's "Memo to Lawrence Lessig: The Tea Party Is No Answer for Occupy USA."

Oct 26, 2011 / Lawrence Lessig

Where Are the Women at Occupy Wall Street? Everywhere—and They’re Not Going Away

Where Are the Women at Occupy Wall Street? Everywhere—and They’re Not Going Away Where Are the Women at Occupy Wall Street? Everywhere—and They’re Not Going Away

Women helped found and sustain the leaderless, anarchist-influenced movement—and despite running into bursts of sexism and ignorance, they are determined to stick around.

Oct 26, 2011 / Sarah M. Seltzer

Video: We Still Believe Anita Hill Video: We Still Believe Anita Hill

Twenty years after Anita Hill boldly brought workplace sexual harassment to the American public consciousness, The Nation celebrates the progress we have made in the two decades si...

Oct 26, 2011 / Francis Reynolds and Emily Douglas

Occupy Wall Street and the Pope Agree: It’s Time to Tax Speculators Occupy Wall Street and the Pope Agree: It’s Time to Tax Speculators

On the streets, at the Vatican, at the G-20, in Congress and in front of the US Treasury building: The call is rising for a financial transactions tax. It will get a lot louder in ...

Oct 26, 2011 / John Nichols

Yes, Virginia, There Is Income Inequality—Will the Supercommittee Admit It?

Yes, Virginia, There Is Income Inequality—Will the Supercommittee Admit It? Yes, Virginia, There Is Income Inequality—Will the Supercommittee Admit It?

A new study on income inequality might make some Republicans on the supercommittee awful uncomfortable today. 

Oct 26, 2011 / George Zornick

Is Rick Perry’s Iowa Ad for Voters or Donors? Is Rick Perry’s Iowa Ad for Voters or Donors?

Perry's first television commercial is all about his favorite topic: unleashing the energy industry. 

Oct 26, 2011 / Ben Adler

Memo to Lawrence Lessig: The Tea Party Is No Answer for Occupy USA Memo to Lawrence Lessig: The Tea Party Is No Answer for Occupy USA

Harvard professor Lawrence Lessig is trying to get Occupy USA to build alliances with the Tea Party. He's wrong.

Oct 26, 2011 / Dave Zirin

This Is Just to Say: On William Carlos Williams

This Is Just to Say: On William Carlos Williams This Is Just to Say: On William Carlos Williams

A new biography shortchanges the poetic achievement of William Carlos Williams.

Oct 26, 2011 / Books & the Arts / James Longenbach

Shelf Life

Shelf Life Shelf Life

Out of the Vinyl Deeps catalogs Ellen Willis’s pop years.

Oct 26, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Joshua Clover
