
As Obama Goes Abroad Searching for Monsters to Destroy, Ron Paul Rightly Rejects Assassinating Americans As Obama Goes Abroad Searching for Monsters to Destroy, Ron Paul Rightly Rejects Assassinating Americans

While Rick Perry hails the president's authorization of the killing of two Americans in Yemen, Paul rejects “assassinating American citizens without charges.”

Oct 1, 2011 / John Nichols

Video: Voices From Liberty Square Video: Voices From Liberty Square

Are the Occupy Wall Street protesters crunchy? Yes. But they are also driven by legitimate economic grievances.

Sep 30, 2011 / Jin Zhao and Teresa Cotsirilos

This Week: Right-Wing Hypocrisy Revealed, Again. PLUS: Behind the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protests This Week: Right-Wing Hypocrisy Revealed, Again. PLUS: Behind the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Protests

 This week, The Nation reveals private letters from Charles Koch to Friedrich Hayek privatley praising America's social insurance system. Plus, I join NPR's Talk of the Nation...

Sep 30, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

AFL-CIO’s Trumka Hails Occupy Wall Street AFL-CIO’s Trumka Hails Occupy Wall Street

 "Wall Street's out of control," declares the nation's top labor leader, as key unions begin to endorse the protest and call for similar demonstrations across the co...

Sep 30, 2011 / John Nichols

Could London-style Riots Happen in New York City? Could London-style Riots Happen in New York City?

Like London, New York suffers from extreme inequality, poverty and lack of opportunity.

Sep 30, 2011 / Sarah Burd-Sharps and Kristen Lewis

South Korea Fights Test-Prep Obsession, as the US Creates More Tests South Korea Fights Test-Prep Obsession, as the US Creates More Tests

South Korea is turning away from a testing-obsessed educational culture just as the United States is doubling down on test-focused reforms.

Sep 30, 2011 / Dana Goldstein

Comments of the Week: September 30, 2011

Comments of the Week: September 30, 2011 Comments of the Week: September 30, 2011

Each week we post a weekly run-down of the best of our reader comments with the hopes of highlighting some of your most valuable insights and encouraging more people to join ...

Sep 30, 2011 / Sarah Arnold

Watch the Livestream From Occupy Wall Street Watch the Livestream From Occupy Wall Street

Starting at 1AM, NYPD moved in to clear out Liberty Square, destroying protesters property and tents. Watch the feed here.

Sep 30, 2011 / The Nation

Forcing Secret Donors Into Daylight Forcing Secret Donors Into Daylight

Failed Tea Party Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell is pulling another silly stunt—but an important issue lays at the heart of this one.

Sep 30, 2011 / George Zornick

Assassinating Awlaki: Obama Can Kill Anyone He Wants To Assassinating Awlaki: Obama Can Kill Anyone He Wants To

Eliminating bad guys from the sky, even American citizens, confuses national security with a R-rated video game.

Sep 30, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss
