Remembering Green Belt Movement Founder Wangari Maathai Remembering Green Belt Movement Founder Wangari Maathai
The best way to remember Maathai is to support the Green Belt Movement, which she founded and in which she invested her life hopes.
Sep 26, 2011 / Peter Rothberg

How the NYPD Slipped Blanket Surveillance of American Muslims Past the Courts—and the People How the NYPD Slipped Blanket Surveillance of American Muslims Past the Courts—and the People
What prevents government from singling out a religious or political group for invasive surveillance and coercive recruitment into the ranks of state informants? In the Big A...
Sep 26, 2011 / Aziz Huq
Three Poems by Jordan Davis Three Poems by Jordan Davis
"Jazz As a Way of Life," "Narragansett," "Ira Will Not Be Attending the Meeting"
Sep 26, 2011 / Jordan Davis
10 Reasons Why the UN Occupation of Haiti Must End 10 Reasons Why the UN Occupation of Haiti Must End
It's past time for a speedy withdrawal of all UN soldiers from Haiti.
Sep 26, 2011 / Greg Grandin and Keane Bhatt
The Epistemology of Race Talk The Epistemology of Race Talk
Those of us who attempt to talk about racial bias encounter a few common discursive strategies that are meant to discredit our perspectives.
Sep 26, 2011 / Melissa Harris-Perry
Bombing Haqqani: A Bad Idea Bombing Haqqani: A Bad Idea
Obama should make a deal with Pakistan, not threaten to bomb it.
Sep 26, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

Correcting the Abysmal ‘New York Times’ Coverage of Occupy Wall Street Correcting the Abysmal ‘New York Times’ Coverage of Occupy Wall Street
Yes, the Occupy Wall Street activists are leaderless and lost. But Ginia Bellafante fails to tell the bigger story: how the harsh police crackdown keeps the vast majority of A...
Sep 26, 2011 / Allison Kilkenny
Troy Davis, John Carlos and the Moment That Still Matters Troy Davis, John Carlos and the Moment That Still Matters
The day of Troy Davis’s execution, I finally understood why John Carlos and Tommie Smith still resonate today.
Sep 26, 2011 / Dave Zirin
Why Ralph Nader, Cornel West, Jonathan Kozol Seek Primary Challenges to Obama Why Ralph Nader, Cornel West, Jonathan Kozol Seek Primary Challenges to Obama
Progressives sign a call for antiwar, anticorporate Democrats to mount primary campaigns to challenge Obama and the politics of compromise.
Sep 25, 2011 / John Nichols
Herman Cain Wins Absurd Florida Straw Poll Herman Cain Wins Absurd Florida Straw Poll
Herman Cain wins the Florida Republican straw poll on Saturday. However, the result will not predict the Republican primary nomination.
Sep 25, 2011 / Ben Adler