
An Ambiguous Medium: On Lee Ufan

An Ambiguous Medium: On Lee Ufan An Ambiguous Medium: On Lee Ufan

The aesthetic illusions of a Korean artist.

Sep 21, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky

The World House: On Malcolm X The World House: On Malcolm X

A biographer's flawed attempt to rediscover the politics in the decidedly political life of Malcolm X.

Sep 21, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Aziz Rana

Tulum Tulum

in ceasing to exist gods create in air an emptiness where the light comes to settle all their monuments gather around the edge the earth underneath congeals its ancient waves see the god descending from a pediment he was supposed to induce the rain’s downfall it’s the sky today that drops into the rock to very gingerly liberate our heart and elongate the view toward the end of time same at its core to the Caribbean Sea its green water took the divine in its folds all then ends up in rumbling and murmuring all began in an identical manner   (translated from the French by Eléna Rivera)

Sep 21, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Bernard Nöel

Letters Letters

Readers respond to the August 15/22 special issue on sports—only the second in the history of the magazine.  

Sep 20, 2011 / Our Readers

Puzzle No. 3208 Puzzle No. 3208

ACROSS  1 Shake fist at first, then rewrite paper (6)  4 Key’s edges fit in small opening in ceiling (8) 10 Feeble guess about a takeoff: “Around ten, behind schedule” (9) 11 Rocker Warren in free zone, taking five (5) 12 Rearrange iron and lumber first, for example (7,6) 14 Game boxes lacking tiles, originally (5) 16 Find one Siamese capturing island nation (9) 18 Floods, e.g., in Divine Comedy routines (4,2,3) 20 Remarked about taste of pomegranate: “Flavorful!” (5) 22 Electric implement sounds like a former part of a thriller soundtrack (9,4) 26 Japanese food principally swept America along with Hawaii (5) 27 Exactly where you wear a pince-nez (2,3,4) 28 Deviously obtains records about a horse (8) 29 Mercenary embraces beginning of Rite of Spring (6) DOWN  1 Ali’s extremities, making a weak foundation (4,2,4)  2 She didn’t want to lose the thread of a song with reversed coda (7)  3 Parking illegal (only with traffic cone) (5)  5 African antelope swallowing Zulu’s vine (5)  6 Idler is confused by zeal, son (9)  7 Rules of gravity over the poles (7)  8 High-class award (4)  9 Obsessive pursuit of satisfactory speech (8) 13 Pedalled madly around D.C., a place for lunatics (6,4) 15 Ironing small, low object (9) 17 Sad, staid, upset and provocative artists (8) 19 Start of the motivation for betrayal (7) 21 One like them, advocating the abolition of a world body? (7) 23 Loop turning east in the near future (5) 24 Annie celebrates hosting a relative (5) 25 A loud Spanish “yes” within? Yeah, right (2,2)     ACROSS 1 BUFF + A + LOWINGS 10 anag. 11 OR + AT + OR 12 rev. hidden 14 2 defs. 17 & 23D “innocence” 19 [b]LOND ON B + ROIL 22 HO(THOU)SE 24 & 18 MI + NUET + IN C (tune anag.) 27 “sin, sin, natty, chilly” 28 anag.   DOWN 2 “you’ve, you’ll, uh” 3 F(ISH) OIL (his anag.) 4 init. letters, & lit.
5 WAS + T[here]E 6 N(ERVO)US (sun rev., over anag.) 7 anag. 8 A BLOOM 9 AS + THMA (math anag.) 13 S + CAN 15 NICO + TINED (coin anag.) 16 A + V(O)W 18 I(THAC)A (chat anag.) 19 “lay ocean” 20 BRIO + CHE 21 anag. 25 U TILE 26 palindrome

Sep 20, 2011 / Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto

Top Ten Death Penalty Songs (In Tribute to Troy Davis) Top Ten Death Penalty Songs (In Tribute to Troy Davis)

Here's my stab at a list of the top ten songs ever written in opposition to capital punishment.

Sep 20, 2011 / Peter Rothberg

Fighting for Real ‘Shared Sacrifice’ Fighting for Real ‘Shared Sacrifice’

FDR’s leadership offers more than nostalgia.

Sep 20, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

FBI Raid’s Target Was Point Person for Scott Walker’s Anti-Labor Program FBI Raid’s Target Was Point Person for Scott Walker’s Anti-Labor Program

Cynthia Archer, a longtime Walker aide and now target of an FBI investigation, played a central role in advancing his controversial budget-repair bill.

Sep 20, 2011 / John Nichols

Katrina vanden Heuvel: With Combative Deficit Plan, Obama Is ‘Picking The Right Fights’ Katrina vanden Heuvel: With Combative Deficit Plan, Obama Is ‘Picking The Right Fights’

With his combative deficit reduction speech, President Obama's "picking the right fights, drawing the right lines and setting up the debate for 2012."

Sep 20, 2011 / The Ed Show

Michele Bachmann’s Anti-Vaccination Rhetoric Is Not Only Bad Science—It’s Bad History Michele Bachmann’s Anti-Vaccination Rhetoric Is Not Only Bad Science—It’s Bad History

Memo to Michele Bachmann: the founding fathers were inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment and the power of science to improve human life.

Sep 20, 2011 / Lindsay Beyerstein
