GOP 2012 Strategy: Disenfranchise Democrats, Rig Electoral College GOP 2012 Strategy: Disenfranchise Democrats, Rig Electoral College
Republicans want to limit participation by their political opponents and rewrite the Electoral College in advance of the 2012 election.
Sep 14, 2011 / Ari Berman

Farm Bill 101 Farm Bill 101
As Congress gears up to reauthorize the farm bill next year, the stakes are high.
Sep 14, 2011 / Feature / Daniel Imhoff

Who Says Food Is a Human Right? Who Says Food Is a Human Right?
Olivier De Schutter, the UN’s special rapporteur on the right to food, makes the case in this Q&A.
Sep 14, 2011 / Feature / Anna Lappé

Venezuela’s Radical Food Experiment Venezuela’s Radical Food Experiment
Seeking “food sovereignty,” Hugo Chávez puts oil wealth toward a local, sustainable food system.
Sep 14, 2011 / Feature / Paula Crossfield

After Obama’s Broken Promises, Will Green Voters Sit Out 2012? After Obama’s Broken Promises, Will Green Voters Sit Out 2012?
Obama doesn’t have much time left to convince environmental activists that he’s worth their sweat and sacrifices in the next election.
Sep 14, 2011 / The Editors

Can Palestine’s Bid for UN Statehood Revive the National Movement? Can Palestine’s Bid for UN Statehood Revive the National Movement?
The PA’s bid could mark a definitive break from the failed Oslo paradigm, which has brought Palestinians neither peace nor a state.
Sep 14, 2011 / Graham Usher
Noted. Noted.
Kevin Gosztola on Cablegate’s newest revelations, Liliana Segura on Rick Perry’s executions and Richard Kim on Ahmadinejad’s plans to release the jailed American hikers
Sep 14, 2011 / Various Contributors

The Problem of Media Stupidity The Problem of Media Stupidity
Why do the media believe that they must behave like idiots in order to be “fair” to the Republicans and their idiotic ideas?
Sep 14, 2011 / Column / Eric Alterman

The Meaning of Riots The Meaning of Riots
Whatever the spark, social unrest is the predictable result of conditions like poverty, discrimination and police brutality.
Sep 14, 2011 / Column / Gary Younge
Democratic Freedom Dreams After September 11 Democratic Freedom Dreams After September 11
A decade later, is there any possibility of turning the tragedy of 9/11 into a political force for progressive ends?
Sep 14, 2011 / Melissa Harris-Perry