
So Why Be So Hard on Vermont? So Why Be So Hard on Vermont?

Michele Bachmann says Hurricane Irene was God’s warning to curb excessive government spending.                         —news reports   We know that this God’s an all-powerful God God’s actions are not nonchalant. We know he can punish whomever he wants. So why be so hard on Vermont?   Yes, spending increases our deficit—sure. Vermont, though, has not been avant The rest of the country. We all spend a lot. So why be so hard on Vermont?   Its mountains? Its hipsters? Its accent? Or what Might tick off the Great Commandant? We know we’re all sinners; we spend and we spend. So why be so hard on Vermont?

Sep 7, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Spy vs. Spy Spy vs. Spy

The NYPD compiled information on New York City mosques, ethnic restaurants, Muslim student associations. Ten years after 9/11, the national security state is alive and well.

Sep 7, 2011 / Moustafa Bayoumi

Blowback in Somalia

Blowback in Somalia Blowback in Somalia

How US proxy wars helped create a militant Islamist threat.

Sep 7, 2011 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

Mitt Romney Releases Plan to Increase Unemployment and the Budget Deficit Mitt Romney Releases Plan to Increase Unemployment and the Budget Deficit

The candidate comes forward with a detailed economic plan that would hinder recovery and lower revenue. 

Sep 7, 2011 / Ben Adler

Trapped on the European Fringe

Trapped on the European Fringe Trapped on the European Fringe

Caught in debt, being fed the poison of austerity, the victims of Europe’s crisis seek a path out.

Sep 7, 2011 / Feature / Andy Robinson

Go Big, Mr. President

Go Big, Mr. President Go Big, Mr. President

Four things Obama can push in his speech tonight to get America back on track.

Sep 7, 2011 / The Editors

Cuomo Fails Public Schools

Cuomo Fails Public Schools Cuomo Fails Public Schools

While progressives protest the budget-slashing of Tea Party governors like Wisconsin's Scott Walker, are Democrats like New York's Andrew Cuomo getting a free pass?

Sep 7, 2011 / Billy Easton

Noted. Noted.

John Nichols on taxing Wall Street, Mike Elk on a win against the megabanks and Katelyn Belyus on subscribing to The Nation while incarcerated

Sep 7, 2011 / Various Contributors

Attica at 40

Attica at 40 Attica at 40

Four decades after the bloodiest prison massacre in US history, we have yet to accept the basic fact that prisoners are human.

Sep 7, 2011 / Liliana Segura

Secrets of the Keystone XL Pipeline

Secrets of the Keystone XL Pipeline Secrets of the Keystone XL Pipeline

Our country has no need for the Keystone pipeline extension.

Sep 7, 2011 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
