
Michele: A Serenade by Iowa Social Conservatives* Michele: A Serenade by Iowa Social Conservatives*

(With apologies to the Beatles)   Michele, our belle, Thinks that gays will all be sent to hell. That’s Michele.   Michele, our belle, Thinks they’re sick but could be made all well. Yes, Michele.   She just needs to turn them toward Jesus. They’re going through a phase That leads to filthy ways. But with her hubby’s help these guys could All be John Wayne.   Michele, our belle, Views you have are suiting us just swell. Our Michele.   * Yiddish version (sung with schutzpah) titled “We Kvell, Michele.”

Jul 27, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Russian Hero Russian Hero

A bet on a horse in the 1949 Grand National resulted in the largest collective transfer of wealth ever to communism's stalwarts in Britain.

Jul 27, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Alexander Cockburn

Birth Control: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Birth Control: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Birth control is lifesaving medicine. Yet the myth that it is “controversial” persists.

Jul 27, 2011 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Puzzle No. 3202 Puzzle No. 3202

ACROSS  1 Comic-strip character pops back uncooked cabbage (5,8)  9 Live and drunk, one comic actor (7) 10 Write graffiti in shelter or small house (7) 11 Document storage: solution for smoothing out advisory councils? (6,8) 12 Game medicine enthralls teams, five of which can be found in the completed diagram (7) 14 Once healthy, 500 let breath out (7) 16 Two rebels, Southern parasites (7) 18 Goethe: a terrific source for drama (7) 20 After Sunday, doctor here supplying piece of surgical hose (5,9) 24 In a very long time, reversed speech impediment the tiniest bit (7) 25 Phosphorus alters mushy and gooey substance (7) 26 Astonishingly, Ma spies murder case involving eggs (8,5) DOWN  1 Young socialite with heart—ultimately, that’s a liability (4)  2 Leader of Decency Coalition’s amorous byplay (9)  3 Yes, Virginia, there is a greeting inside school (7)  4 A drink suitable for the whole family? This is getting old (5)  5 A Schubert composition for a European city (9)  6 Hunter fit poorly in capital (7)  7 Trash a message to hide embarrassment (5)  8 Disorder I do recall at the beginning, for a month in revolutionary France (8) 12 Suave Sullivanski? (8) 13 Frustrated Italians surround university — Germans destroyed it (9) 15 Lawyer smashed head of insolent Florida athlete (9) 17 Runner and pitcher skirting defense (7) 19 Peel top from cherry, in papier-mâché (7) 21 Keep some containers for salts (5) 22 Athletic supporter with label for naked boy (5) 23 Lemon, say, in the middle of street (4)   ACROSS 1 UN + REEL (leer rev.) 4 anag. 9 ANG(L)ER 10 [i]SLANDERS 12 D + AIRY 13 INSUL(A)T + OR 15 anag. 17 EP + ICENE (niece anag.) 18 OR + LAND + O 20 MUS(KRA)T (ark rev.) 22 DAM + A + SCENE (a mad rev.) 23 B + LING 25 anag. 27 hidden 28 anag. 29 rev. hidden   DOWN 1 anag. 2 letter bank (R, I, N, G) 3 anag. 5 init. letters 6 anag. 7 anag. 8 R + ESUR + GENT (ruse rev.) 11 GIR + A + SOLE (rig rev.) 14 anag. 15 2 defs. 16 LANDS + LID + E 19 anag. 21 RAIMEN + T (air­men anag.) 23 anag. 24 anag. 26 rev.

Jul 27, 2011 / Joshua Kosman and Henri Picciotto

Letters Letters

The DSK dossier; more jobs = higher GDP.

Jul 27, 2011 / Our Readers

Dave Zirin: The Resolution of the NFL Lockout Is a Labor Victory Dave Zirin: The Resolution of the NFL Lockout Is a Labor Victory

After an eighteen-week standoff, the NFL players' unanimously voted to approve an agreement that promotes player health and safety.

Jul 27, 2011 / Press Room

How America Could Collapse How America Could Collapse

Supply chain shocks have already led to shortages of videotape and auto parts. Could food or medicine be next?

Jul 27, 2011 / Matt Stoller

Dave Zirin: The Resolution of the NFL Lockout Is a Labor Victory Dave Zirin: The Resolution of the NFL Lockout Is a Labor Victory

After an eighteen-week labor standoff, the National Football League players' union has unanimously voted to approve an agreement that promotes player health and safety.

Jul 27, 2011 / Democracy Now!

Debt Madness Was Always About Killing Social Security

Debt Madness Was Always About Killing Social Security Debt Madness Was Always About Killing Social Security

This phony debt crisis has now passed through the looking glass into the realm where madness reigns.

Jul 27, 2011 / Robert Scheer

Muslim Students Challenge Allen West’s Anti-Islamic Speaker on Capitol Hill Muslim Students Challenge Allen West’s Anti-Islamic Speaker on Capitol Hill

On Capitol Hill, Muslim students confront Islamophobia.  

Jul 27, 2011 / StudentNation / Sean Savett
