
Osama bin Laden: A Monster of Our Own Creation Osama bin Laden: A Monster of Our Own Creation

Three decades after we first decided to use Osama bin Laden and other imported Muslim zealots for our Cold War purposes, we feel cleansed by his death of any responsibility for h...

May 4, 2011 / Robert Scheer

US Officials: Now It’s Time to End the War US Officials: Now It’s Time to End the War

The Obama administration suggests bin Laden's death could accelerate peace talks with the Taliban.

May 4, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

GOP on the Brink of Weakening Flight Safety Rules GOP on the Brink of Weakening Flight Safety Rules

Backed by aviation industry money, the GOP is trying to weaken common-sense flight safety rules. Famed pilot Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger and others push back.

May 4, 2011 / George Zornick

Give a Penny, Save a Teacher Give a Penny, Save a Teacher

Thousands of protesters in North Carolina and Pennsylvania descended upon their State Capitols to demand an end to education cuts, gas companies giveaways, and corporate loopholes.

May 4, 2011 / Allison Kilkenny

Wisconsin Voters Reject GOP Governor’s Anti-Labor Agenda, Giving Key Election Win to Democrats Wisconsin Voters Reject GOP Governor’s Anti-Labor Agenda, Giving Key Election Win to Democrats

In a key electoral test of Governor Scott Walker's agenda, a legislative seat previously held by a top Walker aide is filled with a Democrat. The win provides momentum fo...

May 4, 2011 / John Nichols

The F Word: Is BP Too Big To Fail? The F Word: Is BP Too Big To Fail?

Now to the opposite of cuts. Over a year after the biggest oil spill in US history and even as criminal investigations continue, BP is still receiving millions of dollars in go...

May 3, 2011 / Laura Flanders

Senator Dick Durbin Questions Sending ‘One More’ Soldier to Die in Afghanistan Senator Dick Durbin Questions Sending ‘One More’ Soldier to Die in Afghanistan

The Senate's number-two Democrat wonders why the United States is sending troops to die in an unwinnable war. How many other legislators will follow?

May 3, 2011 / George Zornick

Pakistan: Our Mendacious Ally

Pakistan: Our Mendacious Ally Pakistan: Our Mendacious Ally

It is impossible to believe the government of Pakistan did not know exactly where we could find Osama.

May 3, 2011 / William Greider

World Press Freedom Day World Press Freedom Day

Demanding Dorothy Parvaz's freedom is a great way to mark World Press Freedom Day.

May 3, 2011 / Peter Rothberg

Jeremy Scahill on the ‘Quiet Professionals’ Who Killed bin Laden Jeremy Scahill on the ‘Quiet Professionals’ Who Killed bin Laden

Jeremy Scahill appears on "Last Word" to provide insight into the men who killed bin Laden.

May 3, 2011 / MSNBC
