Did the Media’s Budget Debate Frenzy Miss the Point? Did the Media’s Budget Debate Frenzy Miss the Point?
Last week, the media covered the budget debate like it was a basketball game.
Apr 11, 2011 / Press Room
Did the Media’s Budget Debate Frenzy Miss the Point? Did the Media’s Budget Debate Frenzy Miss the Point?
Last week, the media covered the budget debate like it was a basketball game.
Apr 11, 2011 / CNN
Why President Obama Is Losing the Budget Fight Why President Obama Is Losing the Budget Fight
House Republicans are now determining the priorities of the entire US government. Until that changes, Obama and Congressional Democrats will find themselves on the defensive.
Apr 11, 2011 / Ari Berman
Who Killed the UN Workers in Afghanistan? Well… Who Killed the UN Workers in Afghanistan? Well…
Everyone. And no one. Whom exactly are we fighting again?
Apr 11, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss
The Blowback World of Chalmers Johnson The Blowback World of Chalmers Johnson
A vivid and personal portrait of a husband and his enduring work.
Apr 11, 2011 / Sheila Johnson

In the Next Round of Budget Talks, Big Cuts for Health Research Are Coming In the Next Round of Budget Talks, Big Cuts for Health Research Are Coming
One of the agencies hardest hit by Congress’s 2011 appropriations bill is likely to be the world’s largest investor in biomedical research, the National Institutes of H...
Apr 11, 2011 / Rachel Riederer
Anand Gopal: How Egyptians Took Over Tahrir Square Anand Gopal: How Egyptians Took Over Tahrir Square
When Egyptians took over their city, they created a new order of cooperation.
Apr 11, 2011 / The Nation
From The Archive: Five Pieces by James Baldwin From The Archive: Five Pieces by James Baldwin
The publication of The Cross of Redemption is an occasion to revisit some of the many fine essays and reviews written for The Nation by Baldwin, who was a member of the magazine's...
Apr 11, 2011 / Books & the Arts / The Nation

Remembering Juliano Mer-Khamis Remembering Juliano Mer-Khamis
This brilliant activist and film and theater director, recently murdered in Jenin, represented the best of what it means to be Palestinian and to be Jewish.
Apr 11, 2011 / Ismail Khalidi and Jen Marlowe

Title IX Resonates Beyond Yale’s Walls Title IX Resonates Beyond Yale’s Walls
The federal investigation of Yale’s sexual climate will hopefully send a message to all universities and university students that rape will no longer be tolerated or excused. Even ...
Apr 11, 2011 / StudentNation / StudentNation