IU Community Joins NYC Seminar IU Community Joins NYC Seminar
Students in Indiana gathered to tune into a national teach-in holding corporations, banks and political parties responsible for the economic situation facing America today.
Apr 5, 2011 / StudentNation / StudentNation

National Teach-In Inspires a Fight Against ‘Corporatocracy’ National Teach-In Inspires a Fight Against ‘Corporatocracy’
Students gathered at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, to participate in a national teach-in hosted by Frances Fox Piven and Cornel West.
Apr 5, 2011 / StudentNation / Robert Reynolds
From Memphis to Madison: Civil Rights, Labor Rights, Voting Rights From Memphis to Madison: Civil Rights, Labor Rights, Voting Rights
The Rev. Jesse Jackson makes the connection between struggles for collective bargaining rights in 1968 and 2011. And he urges the citizens of Wisconsin to honor Dr. King by vo...
Apr 5, 2011 / John Nichols
Bonuses for Bosses at Killer Corporations? Bonuses for Bosses at Killer Corporations?
Eleven workers dead, untold volumes of sea life poisoned and more than 200 million gallons of oil spilled into the sea. If that’s what a historically good safety ...
Apr 4, 2011 / Laura Flanders

Slide Show: Manning Marable, 1950-2011 Slide Show: Manning Marable, 1950-2011
“The remembrances started almost immediately, as was appropriate. When a giant has fallen there is immense thunder,” wrote Bill Fletcher, Jr., after the passing of the…
Apr 4, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation
The Changing US Tune on Yemen The Changing US Tune on Yemen
As President Saleh’s corrupt regime teeters on the brink of collapse, the US belatedly backs reform in Yemen.
Apr 4, 2011 / Jeremy Scahill
Congressman Kucinich’s Address to Congress on the War in Libya Congressman Kucinich’s Address to Congress on the War in Libya
The critical issue before this nation today is not Libyan democracy; it is American democracy.
Apr 4, 2011 / Dennis Kucinich
Honoring Manning Honoring Manning
Manning meant for his students to bridge the gap between the seminar room and the street, between theory and practice, between big ideas and the brutal realities of our present w...
Apr 4, 2011 / Timothy Patrick McCarthy

Slide Show: Manning Marable, 1950-2011 Slide Show: Manning Marable, 1950-2011
A collection of tributes from friends, students and admirers of a man whose outsized impact on American letters will be felt for years to come.
Apr 4, 2011 / The Nation
Remembering Manning Remembering Manning
A tribute to the recently departed scholar Manning Marable, by a close friend.
Apr 4, 2011 / Bill Fletcher Jr.