
What Obama Should Say Tonight About Libya What Obama Should Say Tonight About Libya

Obama should tell Americans: "I have come before you tonight to admit that I have erred in intervening in Libya."

Mar 28, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

Three Poems by Nathaniel Mackey Three Poems by Nathaniel Mackey

"Parlay Cheval Ou," excerpt from "Lone Coast Anacrusis," "Song of the Andoumboulou: 77"

Mar 28, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Nathaniel Mackey

Three Poems by Jennifer Moxley Three Poems by Jennifer Moxley

"The Logic of Survival," "On the Face of It," "The Quest"

Mar 28, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Jennifer Moxley

Five Poems by Peter Gizzi Five Poems by Peter Gizzi

"On What Became of Mathew Brady's Battle Photographs," "Lullaby," "Eclogues," "True Discourse on Power," "Oversong"

Mar 28, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Peter Gizzi

Video: US Uncut’s National Day of Action Video: US Uncut’s National Day of Action

Video and photos have begun to come in from US Uncut's actions from across the country on Saturday.

Mar 27, 2011 / Allison Kilkenny

In Lawless Fitzwalkerstan, a Constitutional Officer Refuses to Bend to a Royal Governor’s Dictate In Lawless Fitzwalkerstan, a Constitutional Officer Refuses to Bend to a Royal Governor’s Dictate

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is now attempting to implement his anti-union power grab, despite a judge's order blocking the move. But Wisconsin's elected Secretary of ...

Mar 27, 2011 / John Nichols

Gerry in the Gap Gerry in the Gap

From the archive: The Nation on Geraldine Ferraro's 1984 Vice-presidential candidacy.

Mar 26, 2011 / The Nation

400,000 Brits Protest Against Austerity 400,000 Brits Protest Against Austerity

Half a million people marched through London in opposition to the British government's austerity program. But is anyone listening?

Mar 26, 2011 / D.D. Guttenplan

When Illegal Doesn’t Matter: US Uncut’s National Day Of Protest When Illegal Doesn’t Matter: US Uncut’s National Day Of Protest

Today marked US Uncut’s second big nationwide protest. Coast-to-coast, more than 40 cities joined in a day of action protesting the tax dodging practices of massive corporati...

Mar 26, 2011 / Allison Kilkenny

The Price of Art The Price of Art

Over 130 internationally renowned artists have boycotted the new Guggenheim Museum in the United Arab Emirates, in an attempt to pressure Abu Dhabi officials to protect basic right...

Mar 25, 2011 / Carmel DeAmicis
