Students Lead Struggles for Freedom in Middle East and North Africa Students Lead Struggles for Freedom in Middle East and North Africa
The next leader to be toppled will fall because of the desire of students and youth to win a better future.
Feb 23, 2011 / StudentNation / Kevin Gosztola
Kazemi and Abdul-Qaadir: Recognizing the Courage of Muslim Athletes Kazemi and Abdul-Qaadir: Recognizing the Courage of Muslim Athletes
The US Basketball Writers Association just named men’s player Arsalan Kazemi of Rice and women’s player Bilqis Abdul-Qaadir of Memphis as the co-winners of their &ldquo...
Feb 23, 2011 / Dave Zirin
Wisconsin Protests Grow Beyond Madison Wisconsin Protests Grow Beyond Madison
John Nichols joins The Progressive's Matthew Rothschild on GRITtv to discuss the forces pushing for Wisconsin's union-busting legislation.
Feb 23, 2011 / GRITtv
Betting on Arianna Huffington Betting on Arianna Huffington
In defense of the editor of the Huffington Post. Not that the lady needs one, having been a leader in undermining the right-wing dominance of Internet reporting for over five yea...
Feb 23, 2011 / Robert Scheer
Denver Prosecutors Drop Gang Conspiracy Charges Denver Prosecutors Drop Gang Conspiracy Charges
Amidst allegations that government attorneys withheld key information while applying for wiretap permissions from federal judges, federal prosecutors in Denver dropped gang conspir...
Feb 23, 2011 / Tom Hayden
Unions Are the Core of Progressive Politics in Wisconsin Unions Are the Core of Progressive Politics in Wisconsin
According to John Nichols, the Republicans' efforts to curb workers' rights is about attacking the public sphere and public education.
Feb 22, 2011 / Press Room
Is Governor Scott Walker a Puppet? Is Governor Scott Walker a Puppet?
On The Ed Show, John Nichols says that an ad campaign by the Club for Growth is fueling the assault on Wisconsin workers.
Feb 22, 2011 / Press Room

How the Chamber of Commerce Darkens the Skies How the Chamber of Commerce Darkens the Skies
Call it money pollution. The torrents of cash now pouring unchecked into our political system cloud judgment and obscure science.
Feb 22, 2011 / Bill McKibben
Morocco’s Day of Dignity: An Update Morocco’s Day of Dignity: An Update
Two days ago, thousands of young people held street protests throughout Morocco to demand constitutional reforms. What's next?
Feb 22, 2011 / Laila Lalami
Unions Are the Core of Progressive Politics in Wisconsin Unions Are the Core of Progressive Politics in Wisconsin
According to John Nichols, the Republicans' efforts to curb workers' rights is about attacking the public sphere and public education.
Feb 22, 2011 / KGO AM810