SOTU Signals: What Will Obama Say on Social Security, Trade and Green Jobs? SOTU Signals: What Will Obama Say on Social Security, Trade and Green Jobs?
President Obama is going to have a good night. His speech will be a success. But what about the policies? Will he signal a right turn with an eye toward the 2012 election...
Jan 25, 2011 / John Nichols
American Policy’s Corruption Game American Policy’s Corruption Game
What the Tunisian Revoluton and WikiLeaks tell us about American support for corrupt dictatorships in the Muslim World.
Jan 25, 2011 / Juan Cole

The State of the Union Responder: Paul Ryan, R–Wall Street The State of the Union Responder: Paul Ryan, R–Wall Street
The Budget Committee chair who has been selected to counter Barack Obama's State of the Union Address backs bailouts, privatizations and policy shifts that deliver for big bankers ...
Jan 25, 2011 / John Nichols

Slide Show: 7 Ways Obama’s State of the Union Can Save His Presidency Slide Show: 7 Ways Obama’s State of the Union Can Save His Presidency
When President Obama makes his annual State of the Union Address Tuesday evening to a nation deeply riven by social and ideological divides, he will likely emphasize an economic pl…
Jan 24, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Cuomo’s Reform Moment Cuomo’s Reform Moment
With support from a new governor, could New York City's successful public financing law go statewide?
Jan 24, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Palestine Papers, Peace and Concessions Palestine Papers, Peace and Concessions
The revelation of thousands of pages of confidential Palestinian diplomatic records has shocked the world—all of it except the US, that is.
Jan 24, 2011 / Laura Flanders
The Big Picture on Healthcare Reform for LGBT People The Big Picture on Healthcare Reform for LGBT People
If healthcare reform regulations are enacted on behalf of all people, LGBT people will, at last, be counted in nationwide populations surveys, like the census; researched...
Jan 24, 2011 / Nancy Goldstein
Reversing Citizens United Reversing Citizens United
Join the call for an amendment to the US Constitution to ensure the government has the authority to limit corporate influence in elections.
Jan 24, 2011 / Peter Rothberg
The Potomac Plunge Against Climate Change The Potomac Plunge Against Climate Change
Some 200 activists, including Rep. Donna Edwards, jumped into the icy Potomac River to urge government action on global warming.
Jan 24, 2011 / Mark Hertsgaard
What President Obama Shouldn’t Say in the State of the Union Address What President Obama Shouldn’t Say in the State of the Union Address
Senator Bernie Sanders and progressive groups are urging the president to avoid any talk of cutting Social Security. Instead, Sanders says, he should use the SOTU to "stand by...
Jan 24, 2011 / John Nichols