Noted. Noted.
Robert Dreyfuss on the Cuban embargo, John Nichols on the new RNC chair
Jan 20, 2011 / Various Contributors

Comcast/NBC Merger Takes Media Consolidation to the Next Level Comcast/NBC Merger Takes Media Consolidation to the Next Level
It's past time for open hearings and a coherent policy on media ownership in the digital age.
Jan 20, 2011 / Robert W. McChesney and John Nichols

Guantánamos Here at Home Guantánamos Here at Home
Bradley Manning is not the only person in the US held in pretrial solitary confinement. For many facing terrorism charges, it has become standard procedure.
Jan 20, 2011 / Sally Eberhardt and Jeanne Theoharis

The Truth About College Choice The Truth About College Choice
Campus Progress is working to highlight some disturbing practices at for-profit colleges.
Jan 20, 2011 / StudentNation / The Nation
A Short Analysis of Sarah Palin’s Video Speech on the Tucson Shootings A Short Analysis of Sarah Palin’s Video Speech on the Tucson Shootings
What's uppermost on her mind.
Jan 20, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin

A ‘Worm’ in the Neocons’ Plan to Bomb Iran? A ‘Worm’ in the Neocons’ Plan to Bomb Iran?
A computer virus foiling Iran's nuclear plans should delight those spoiling for an attack. Does it?
Jan 20, 2011 / Column / Eric Alterman
James Howard Kunstler: Peak Oil and Our Financial Decline James Howard Kunstler: Peak Oil and Our Financial Decline
James Howard Kunstler discusses how finance and energy are running neck and neck to fuel the end of advanced industrial civilization.
Jan 20, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions
How Myths Keep Us Mired in War How Myths Keep Us Mired in War
Why are we still in Afghanistan? Might it have something to do with the myth of national security—or, more accurately, national insecurity, since it always tells us who and w...
Jan 20, 2011 / Ira Chernus
How Sargent Shriver Helped John Kennedy Become a Liberal How Sargent Shriver Helped John Kennedy Become a Liberal
“The only genuine elite is the elite of those men and women who gave their lives to justice and charity," declared the Kennedy man who forged the Peace Corps and the War...
Jan 20, 2011 / John Nichols