
Murdoch to Buy Wall Street Journal? Murdoch to Buy Wall Street Journal?

Not content with its conservative media empire, Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp is making an ambitious bid to buy the Dow Jones Company and its prized product, the Wall Street Journal. N...

May 1, 2007 / Ari Berman

Sarko vs. Ségo in France Sarko vs. Ségo in France

French politics have been pushed to the right thanks in part to the neo-Fascist politician Jean-Marie Le Pen.

May 1, 2007 / André Schiffrin

Mission Unaccomplished Mission Unaccomplished

It had taken much thought and planning that wartime May Day four years ago when George W. Bush co-piloted an S-3B Viking sub reconnaissance Naval jet onto the deck of the USS Abrah...

May 1, 2007 / TomDispatch

“Tell Them We Blew It” “Tell Them We Blew It”

The rest of the world does not hate the United States. For the most part, other countries and their peoples are extraordinarily generous and supportive of the U.S., even if they m...

Apr 30, 2007 / John Nichols

Human Rights at Wal-Mart Human Rights at Wal-Mart

How appropriate, this May Day, that Human Rights Watch has just released "Discounting Human Rights: Wal-Mart's Violation of US Workers' Right to Freedom of Association," a detaile...

Apr 30, 2007 / The Nation

Israel’s Winograd Commission blasts Olmert, Peretz, Halutz Israel’s Winograd Commission blasts Olmert, Peretz, Halutz

The Winograd Commission, established by Israeli PM Ehud Olmert to investigate Israel's notably unsuccessful performance in last summer's war against Lebanon, today issued a first ...

Apr 30, 2007 / The Nation

The Higher Education Scam The Higher Education Scam

Marilee Jones excelled as admissions dean at MIT, until she was fired for falsifying her resume. But what good is a college degree, anyway?

Apr 30, 2007 / Feature / Barbara Ehrenreich

Bad Guys Bad Guys

I hesitate to get into an inter-magazine pissing match, but I just couldn't let this post by The New Republic's James Kirchick go unanswered. Kirchick takes aim at the Nation's la...

Apr 30, 2007 / The Nation

Pull the Plug on the Mercenary War Pull the Plug on the Mercenary War

Who will stop the shadow US army in Iraq? Don't count on Congressional Democrats.

Apr 30, 2007 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

The New Cold War The New Cold War

Doesn't it feel like a new cold war out there? Condi Rice has taken off those dominatrix black boots and slipped into dark cold war terminology: "The idea that somehow 10 interc...

Apr 30, 2007 / The Nation
