Nation Notes Nation Notes
Nation readers! Help us write a guidebook on the American left. Tell us your favorite places, products and services in the categories below. We need ideas from all over the count...
Apr 26, 2007 / The Editors
One of My Own One of My Own
Although the murders at Virginia Tech had nothing to do with race, Korean Americans remain worried about anti-Asian fallout.
Apr 26, 2007 / Richard Kim
Virg. Tech: Only Connect Virg. Tech: Only Connect
The Virginia Tech shootings should prompt us to rethink our approach toward guns, the media and mental health.
Apr 26, 2007 / Bruce Shapiro
Changing Course on Cuba Changing Course on Cuba
The US government's policy toward Cuba is imperial, irrational, arguably insane. It's time to change it.
Apr 26, 2007 / The Editors
This Space for Sale This Space for Sale
The Philadelphia Inquirer is planning to run an editorial column sponsored by Citizens Bank. What's next--the Phillip Morris column on health issues?
Apr 26, 2007 / Feature / Barbara Ehrenreich
Give ‘Em Hell, Harry Give ‘Em Hell, Harry
The Senate majority leader is being portrayed as an awkward duck who doesn't look the part and can't talk it either. Harry Reid, it's true, is given to saying the most inappropria...
Apr 26, 2007 / The Nation
McCain, Kissinger and America as a Client State McCain, Kissinger and America as a Client State
On his way to formally announcing his latest bid for the White House, John McCain stopped to consult with the most high-profile supporter of his campaign to become the oldest firs...
Apr 26, 2007 / John Nichols
Brits to Vote on Blairism (and Trash Collection) Brits to Vote on Blairism (and Trash Collection)
Britons go to the polls May 3 to vote in local elections that will have a sizeable impact on the way that Tony Blair's ten-year premiership ends. Blair, who has been Prime Ministe...
Apr 26, 2007 / The Nation
McCain: Gonzales Should Quit McCain: Gonzales Should Quit
How much appeal does an anti-Alberto Gonzales appeal have with grassroots Republicans? A lot, if John McCain's political calculus is to be trusted. On the day that the Arizona s...
Apr 26, 2007 / The Nation