Comeuppance is Making a Comeback Comeuppance is Making a Comeback
Comeuppance is making a comeback. The CBS talk jock Don Imus got his. The World Bank President, Paul Wolfowitz's seems to be in the works. The odds are that Attorney General Alber...
Apr 16, 2007 / The Nation
“A Tragedy… of Monumental Proportions.” “A Tragedy… of Monumental Proportions.”
There will be plenty of "rapid responses" to the gun rampage on the Virginia Tech campus, which has claimed the lives of as many as 31 students -- making it the deadliest school s...
Apr 16, 2007 / The Nation
Hold Gonzales Accountable, Then Bush Hold Gonzales Accountable, Then Bush
As Attorney General Alberto Gonzales prepares to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee Thursday, the official question is: Will the former White House counsel be able to ta...
Apr 16, 2007 / John Nichols
Supreme Court Considers Rights of Home Health Aides Supreme Court Considers Rights of Home Health Aides
Today the Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in a case which could decide whether home health aides are entitled to federal minimum wage, and the protection of federal overti...
Apr 16, 2007 / The Nation
When Even a Sponge Feels the Squeeze When Even a Sponge Feels the Squeeze
Working people have more in common with a sponge who lives in a pineapple than with the picture painted of job growth by the current Administration.
Apr 13, 2007 / Feature / Annabelle Gurwitch
Wal-Mart’s Conduct in Phillipines Gets Worse Wal-Mart’s Conduct in Phillipines Gets Worse
Some people are outraged that Wal-Mart spied on a New York Times reporter. But the company's behavior to workers overseas is much worse. Wal-Mart is pulling out of the Chong Won...
Apr 13, 2007 / The Nation
DC Voting Rights (continued) DC Voting Rights (continued)
Monday is Emancipation Day in the District – commemorating April 16, 1862 – when 3,100 people were freed in the city, nine months before the Emancipation Proclamation. This...
Apr 13, 2007 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
How Bush Destabilized the Arc of Instability How Bush Destabilized the Arc of Instability
[This is part 3 of "Six Crises in Search of an Author: How the Bush Administration Destabilized the Arc of Instability": part 1 was "Bush's Absurdist Imperialism"; part 2, "Chaos...
Apr 13, 2007 / The Nation
US Silence Muzzles Vietnam’s Dissidents US Silence Muzzles Vietnam’s Dissidents
Vietnam is experiencing its worst crackdown on human rights in decades, and US policy bears part of the blame.
Apr 13, 2007 / Feature / Andrew Lam
Exploiting Imus Exploiting Imus
The media's superficial coverage of Don Imus avoids important questions about free speech and race.
Apr 13, 2007 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman