
Getting the Lead Out Getting the Lead Out

A landmark decision in Rhode Island holding three manufacturers responsible for lead poisoning is a sign of progress nationwide.

Apr 10, 2007 / David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz

Protecting the Vote Protecting the Vote

Resolving a disputed Congressional election in Florida is key to setting the stage for a fair nationwide election in 2008.

Apr 10, 2007 / John Nichols

Bush’s Absurdist Imperialism Bush’s Absurdist Imperialism

One night when I was in my teens, I found myself at a production of Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author. I had never heard of the playwright or the play, nor had I...

Apr 10, 2007 / The Nation

Which US Attorneys Did Rove’s Bidding? Which US Attorneys Did Rove’s Bidding?

The real story of the U.S. Attorneys scandal that has so endangered the tenure of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is not that of the eight fired prosecutors. It is that of the 8...

Apr 10, 2007 / John Nichols

Neocon Godmother Considered Iraq War a Mistake Neocon Godmother Considered Iraq War a Mistake

From the grave, Jeane Kirkpatrick, the godmother of the neoconservative movement, speaks: the Iraq war was something of a mistake. Kirkpatrick, best...

Apr 10, 2007 / David Corn

Distorting Public Opinion Distorting Public Opinion

In his New York Times article about why US troops will (and should) remain in Iraq beyond 2008, NYU law professor Noah Feldman provides a common mischaracterization of American pu...

Apr 9, 2007 / The Nation

Bottom-Up Power Bottom-Up Power

In Montana, grassroots campaigns elected politicians and influenced policy. The same can happen across the country.

Apr 9, 2007 / Feature / Laura Flanders

The Ethanol Hoax The Ethanol Hoax

Corn is the magic cure of the moment, which Bush and the global-warming naysayers contend will save the planet. Don't buy it.

Apr 9, 2007 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman

AIPAC Alternative? AIPAC Alternative?

Can left-leaning Jews coalesce into a lobby to offset the influence of AIPAC?

Apr 9, 2007 / Philip Weiss

How to Get Out of Iraq How to Get Out of Iraq

Bush's ineptitude has made a regional war in the Middle East a real possibility. Can diplomacy find a way out?

Apr 9, 2007 / Juan Cole
