John Amaechi’s Timeout John Amaechi’s Timeout
The openly gay former NBA star speaks eloquently against homophobia, the war in Iraq and racism.
Apr 4, 2007 / Feature / Dave Zirin
Media Nostalgic for Satanic Abuse Scandals? Media Nostalgic for Satanic Abuse Scandals?
Boy, does the media love a good daycare controversy. Since we haven't had a good Satanic abuse or child molestation daycare story in years, we have to make do with provocative sta...
Apr 4, 2007 / The Nation
Leave Your Morals at the Border Leave Your Morals at the Border
A Supreme Court ruling turns a blind eye to torture and human rights violations, as long as they're done offshore.
Apr 4, 2007 / Column / Robert Scheer
ACT UP’s New Urgency ACT UP’s New Urgency
Twenty years after its founding, the AIDS activist group is expanding its mission to universal healthcare.
Apr 3, 2007 / Feature / Emily Douglas
Denial in the Desert Denial in the Desert
Abrupt climate change is rapidly turning the American West into a desert. But a culture in denial continues rampant suburbanization, fueled by the delusion that our water supply is...
Apr 3, 2007 / Feature / Mike Davis
Refunds for Good Refunds for Good
Did you know that the most wide-reaching tax refund in IRS history is on tap for this year? The Telephone Excise Tax Refund (TETR) is a one-time payment available on your 2006 ...
Apr 3, 2007 / Peter Rothberg
Bush v. Constitution… Again Bush v. Constitution… Again
George Bush's presidency has been distinguished by nothing so much as his consistent disregard for the Constitution. He wages war without required Congressional declarations. He o...
Apr 3, 2007 / John Nichols
Supreme Court Stands Up for the Polar Bears Supreme Court Stands Up for the Polar Bears
The Supremes have spoken. George, we put you in the White House back in 2000, but we can't go along with your "junk science" on global warming. We order you and your weak-spined E...
Apr 3, 2007 / The Nation
Bush Defense Follies (continued) Bush Defense Follies (continued)
Here's another nominee for the Best Bush Folly--the Administration's latest plan to expand its "missile defense shield" by locating a radar base and 10 missile interceptors in the...
Apr 3, 2007 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Beirut in the Balance Beirut in the Balance
Personal Voice: As another summer approaches with the memory of last year's Israeli-Lebanon war still fresh, young residents of Beirut struggle for survival.
Apr 3, 2007 / The Nation