Stockman’s Folly Stockman’s Folly
After all these years, will Reagan's budget chief go to jail for cooking the books?
Apr 3, 2007 / William Greider
Betting on Healthcare Betting on Healthcare
At a union-sponsored forum in Las Vegas, John Edwards presented a real healthcare plan, but Hillary Clinton captured the crowd.
Apr 3, 2007 / Marc Cooper
Obama’s Community Roots Obama’s Community Roots
Barack Obama's political vision grew out of his early experiences as a community organizer in Chicago.
Apr 3, 2007 / Feature / David Moberg
John McCain and the Jew-Counter John McCain and the Jew-Counter
Every day, the presidential campaigns email to reporters press releases touting the endorsements they have most recently snagged. On Tuesday morning, the Jo...
Apr 3, 2007 / David Corn
Politicize the War Politicize the War
Generally that was a predictable performance by the Decider, but one thing stuck out to me. The New Rationale TM for the war, (I've lost track of how many this is) is that the gen...
Apr 3, 2007 / The Nation
Did Bush Machinations Provoke Seizure of Brits? Did Bush Machinations Provoke Seizure of Brits?
President Bush describes Iran's seizure of fifteen British sailors and Marines as "inexcusable behavior." But did the Bush Administration's anti-Iran machinations lead to the esc...
Apr 3, 2007 / The Nation
Pelosi’s Spring Break in Syria Pelosi’s Spring Break in Syria
If it's spring break in Washington, then that must be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi--accompanied by, my goodness, the perpetually pro-Israel Tom Lantos!-- heading for Syria this week...
Apr 2, 2007 / The Nation
Attorneygate in Guam Attorneygate in Guam
Before there was Attorneygate, there was the 2002 firing of a US Attorney in Guam engaged in a prosecution of Jack Abramoff. Anyone see a pattern here?
Apr 2, 2007 / Ari Berman
Legislation Watch: Dodd’s Moral Compass Legislation Watch: Dodd’s Moral Compass
Presidential candidate Senator Chris Dodd has made defending our Constitution a focus of his campaign in a way that the "front-runners" have not. In February, he introduced the R...
Apr 2, 2007 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
The New SDS The New SDS
Can the new Students for a Democratic Society avoid the internal conflicts that plagued the original group?
Apr 2, 2007 / Feature / Christopher Phelps