Porn Cop vs. US Attorney Porn Cop vs. US Attorney
A federal prosecutor fired as he was launching an investigation of a GOP Congressman now stands smeared by the White House and its antiporn crusader.
Mar 29, 2007 / Max Blumenthal
The Loan Shark Lobby The Loan Shark Lobby
With Democrats in control of Congress, prospects for regulating subprime lenders have improved. But don't hold your breath.
Mar 29, 2007 / Garrett Ordower
A Turning Point A Turning Point
By voting to set a timetable to withdraw from Iraq, the House and Senate are finally at the table, challenging Bush's war-making.
Mar 29, 2007 / The Editors
Prosecutors and the Death Penalty Prosecutors and the Death Penalty
As the US Attorney purge scandal intensifies, new light is shed on federal prosecutors' struggles with the Justice Department over the death penalty.
Mar 29, 2007 / Feature / Liliana Segura
Sampson: Gonzales Not Telling Whole Truth Sampson: Gonzales Not Telling Whole Truth
Kyle Sampson resigned as a loyal servant. Now the former chief of staff to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is taking issue with some of the key statements his boss has recently ...
Mar 29, 2007 / The Nation
Bolivia’s Dance with Evo Morales Bolivia’s Dance with Evo Morales
More than a year into President Evo Morales's first term, Bolivia remains in a labyrinth, somewhere between reform, revolution and national crisis.
Mar 29, 2007 / Feature / Benjamin Dangl and April Howard
What Congress Is Concluding About the Attorney General’s Relationship With The Truth What Congress Is Concluding About the Attorney General’s Relationship With The Truth
The truth gets whacked on Fredo's watch.
Mar 29, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Letters Letters
DEFERENCE WHERE IT'S DUE Santa Monica, Calif. So Ari Berman thinks, "The rap on Baucus is that he has always valued his own re-election above all else" ["K Street's ...
Mar 29, 2007 / Our Readers
Buddying Up to Wal-Mart Buddying Up to Wal-Mart
Last week, in a remarkable interview with the American Prospect magazine's Ezra Klein, SEIU president Andy Stern, normally one of the more articulate leaders of the American labor...
Mar 29, 2007 / The Nation
WSJ Discovers Globalization’s Downside WSJ Discovers Globalization’s Downside
This just in from today's Wall Street Journal: "Pain From Free Trade Spurs Second Thoughts." Can you believe it? A "downer" story on globalization from the mother church of free-m...
Mar 28, 2007 / The Nation