Mr. Dynamite Splits Mr. Dynamite Splits
A poem in tribute to the passing of James Brown.
Mar 22, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Thomas Sayers Ellis
Veiled Intolerance Veiled Intolerance
A batch of new books describe how European governments have dealt with Muslim immigrants and citizens since 9/11.
Mar 22, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Richard Wolin
The Elizabeth Edwards Campaign The Elizabeth Edwards Campaign
John Edwards is still in the running. But his campaign will be different from here on out. On Thursday morning, as word spread that his wife, Elizabeth, has suffered an extremel...
Mar 22, 2007 / John Nichols
Class War in Conrad’s Court Class War in Conrad’s Court
The jury selection for the trial of a Canadian press baron accused of looting shareholder earnings reveals popular discontent with the corporate elite.
Mar 22, 2007 / Column / Naomi Klein
The Many Man-Crushes of Chris Matthews The Many Man-Crushes of Chris Matthews
Like Elvis, the host of MSNBC's nightly shoutfest just can't help falling in love... with Bush, Giuliani, Thompson, Romney...
Mar 22, 2007 / Column / Eric Alterman
Mistakes Were Made Mistakes Were Made
A cheer for all seasons.
Mar 22, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Looking Out for Veterans Looking Out for Veterans
Progressive Congressman Bob Filner is pursuing an ambitious agenda to secure proper care for wounded warriors.
Mar 22, 2007 / Ari Berman
ACT UP at 20 ACT UP at 20
The audacious and visionary organization has been a beacon for gay/lesbian rights and healthcare reform.
Mar 22, 2007 / The Editors
Letters Letters
REMEMBER THE MAINE! Leesburg, Va. Regarding Alexander Cockburn's March 5 "Beat the Devil" column on the New York Times and the war, titled "Sold to Mr. Gordon, Another...
Mar 22, 2007 / Our Readers