
Who Will Replace Alberto Gonzales? Who Will Replace Alberto Gonzales?

It is too bad that former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson made such a big deal last week about how he was considering a run for the Republican presidential nomination. If Thompso...

Mar 20, 2007 / The Nation

The Non-withdrawal Withdrawal Proposal The Non-withdrawal Withdrawal Proposal

Four years ago today, the United States began its shock-and-awe invasion of Iraq. It's the anniversary few want to remember; and yet, for all the disillusionment in this country,...

Mar 19, 2007 / The Nation

Congress Can Make This The Last Anniversary Congress Can Make This The Last Anniversary

The US death toll in Iraq now stands at more than 3,200. The first 3,000 of those deaths can reasonably be said to be the responsibility of President Bush. He, Vice President Che...

Mar 19, 2007 / John Nichols

Did GOP Lawyer Mislead Congress About Plame Case? Did GOP Lawyer Mislead Congress About Plame Case?

I've had many a conservative say many an unflattering--and untrue--thing about me over the years (while some have been kind and accurate). But I don't belie...

Mar 19, 2007 / David Corn

The Power of Subpoena The Power of Subpoena

Investigate, investigate, investigate. That's one of key tools given to Democrats since they won back the Congress. And thus far they are using it to impressive effect. Because o...

Mar 19, 2007 / The Nation

Iraq Anniversary AARGH Iraq Anniversary AARGH

Call me crazy, but it still gets my goat that the entire Iraq debate takes place without the input of the female majority. The Sunday TV talk shows are wall-to-wall male. Tim Russ...

Mar 19, 2007 / The Nation

End the War (On Terror) End the War (On Terror)

Today marks the fourth anniversary of America's war against Iraq. The Nation vigorously and rigorously opposed the war before it began. In "An Open Letter to Congress," published...

Mar 18, 2007 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Terror in the Philippines Terror in the Philippines

In October, I wrote about workers at the Chong Won garment factory in the Phillipines, who produce clothing for a number of retailers and brands, including Wal-Mart. Back then, w...

Mar 16, 2007 / The Nation

Credit Card Tricks Credit Card Tricks

Banks no longer lend money to people able to pay them back. Now they trap the poor, the sick, students and elderly people into signing up for credit cards and watch the fees pile u...

Mar 16, 2007 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman

“Malfeasance in Office” “Malfeasance in Office”

Henry Waxman knows a thing or two about the Constitution, and the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee displayed that knowledge at the opening of Friday...

Mar 16, 2007 / The Nation
