
K Street’s Favorite Democrat K Street’s Favorite Democrat

When Max Baucus, chair of the Senate Finance Committee, is every lobbyist's best friend, is economic reform possible?

Mar 6, 2007 / Feature / Ari Berman

The Persecution of Sami Al-Arian The Persecution of Sami Al-Arian

A Palestinian professor caught in the US legal system needs all the support we can muster, as respect for constitutional freedoms sinks ever lower.

Mar 6, 2007 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

So Much for Med School: An MCAT glitch affects hundreds of test-takers So Much for Med School: An MCAT glitch affects hundreds of test-takers

An MCAT glitch affects hundreds of test-takers.

Mar 6, 2007 / The Nation

States Surge Against Escalation in Iraq: How various state legislatures are expressing their outrage at the troop surge States Surge Against Escalation in Iraq: How various state legislatures are expressing their outrage at the troop surge

How various state legislatures are expressing their outrage at the troop surge.

Mar 6, 2007 / The Nation

Marrying Absurd: The Bush Administration’s attempts to encourage marriage Marrying Absurd: The Bush Administration’s attempts to encourage marriage

The Bush Administration's attempts to encourage marriage.

Mar 6, 2007 / The Nation

TNR’s New Owners TNR’s New Owners

No matter what you think of The New Republic's politics, the public sphere will suffer if the magazine becomes homogenized by its new corporate owner.

Mar 6, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Clint Hendler

‘There Is No Law’ ‘There Is No Law’

It's now up to the Supreme Court or the Democratic Congress to overturn the Military Commissions Act and restore our right to habeas corpus.

Mar 6, 2007 / David Cole

When’s the Idea Primary? When’s the Idea Primary?

This should be a time for vision and bold ideas, yet caution is the order of the day--and activist voters are demanding more.

Mar 6, 2007 / Robert L. Borosage

Libby Trial: Guilty, Guilty, Guilty, Guilty Libby Trial: Guilty, Guilty, Guilty, Guilty

The jury found Scooter Libby guilty on four of the five counts. The ruling: Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff lied to federal investigators. I'l...

Mar 6, 2007 / David Corn

Libby Trial: This Just In–A Verdict! Libby Trial: This Just In–A Verdict!

At 11:30, the reporters covering the obstruction of justice trial of Scooter Libby were notified that the jury had reached a verdict and that the verdict wi...

Mar 6, 2007 / David Corn
