
The Worst President Ever The Worst President Ever

Is George W. Bush the worst President the United States has ever seen?

Feb 14, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

Levin’s Pursuit of Douglas Feith Levin’s Pursuit of Douglas Feith

Sen. Carl Levin is determined to get to the bottom of how Douglas Feith's false intelligence helped lead the US to a disastrous and illegal war.

Feb 14, 2007 / Column / Robert Scheer

Libby Trial: No Scooter, No Cheney Libby Trial: No Scooter, No Cheney

The news in the I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby perjury trial on Tuesday came as court was shutting down because of a slight snowfall in Washington: neither the de...

Feb 13, 2007 / David Corn

Oh, Obama! Oh, Obama!

Personal Voice: "I know it is too early to make claims about his greatness or even his capacity to handle the job, but it is not too early to tell you how he makes me feel."

Feb 13, 2007 / The Nation

The Maya Survivors vs. Los Genocidios: Part Two The Maya Survivors vs. Los Genocidios: Part Two

The second half of an interview with Maya activist Antonio Caba on the fight of indigenous Guatemalans to pursue justice for the recent, unpunished genocide targeted at them.

Feb 13, 2007 / The Nation

Mother Tongue: Mother Jones’s new female co-editors on men, women, and journalism Mother Tongue: Mother Jones’s new female co-editors on men, women, and journalism

Mother Jones's new female co-editors on men, women, and journalism

Feb 13, 2007 / The Nation

Alfalfa Sprouts Dissent: Bush’s elite base turns against him at annual Alfalfa Club Dinner Alfalfa Sprouts Dissent: Bush’s elite base turns against him at annual Alfalfa Club Dinner

Bush's elite base turns against him at annual Alfalfa Club Dinner.

Feb 13, 2007 / The Nation

Sea No Evil: Americans should open their eyes to the reality of climate change. Sea No Evil: Americans should open their eyes to the reality of climate change.

Americans should open their eyes to the reality of climate change.

Feb 13, 2007 / The Nation

Conditioning the Funds Conditioning the Funds

The House today begins debate on a simple two paragraph non-binding resolution [pdf] opposing President Bush's escalation in Iraq. After the speeches this week, the real work of ...

Feb 13, 2007 / The Nation

Is Obama’s Race a Factor in Howard’s Attack? Is Obama’s Race a Factor in Howard’s Attack?

Why would Australian Prime Minister John Howard separate out Barack Obama from all of the other contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination -- and from all the prominent...

Feb 13, 2007 / John Nichols
