
Show Her the Money Show Her the Money

I've never met Drew Gilpin Faust, the new president of Harvard, and I confess to being unfamiliar with her work. But from what I've read about her, it sounds like Harvard made an ...

Feb 13, 2007 / The Nation

Feith-Libby Lies Exposed Feith-Libby Lies Exposed

A new Pentagon report documents how the Bush Administration fooled us once with lies about Iraq's Al Qaeda ties. Will that keep them from fooling us again on Iran?

Feb 13, 2007 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss

Libby Trial: What Scooter Didn’t Do Libby Trial: What Scooter Didn’t Do

Scooter Libby didn't tell Washington Post reporter Walter Pincus that former Ambassador Joseph Wilson's wife worked at the CIA. Libby didn't tell ...

Feb 12, 2007 / David Corn

Note to Schumer: What About George Bailey? Note to Schumer: What About George Bailey?

In his new book, Positively American: Winning Back the American Middle Class One Family at a Time, Senator Charles Schumer reveals the imaginary constituents that have long inform...

Feb 12, 2007 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Most Corrupt Bushies The Most Corrupt Bushies

Who are the 25 most corrupt officials in the Bush Administration? Where does one even start? With Scooter Libby, on trial for lying to federal investigators? David Safavian, the...

Feb 12, 2007 / The Nation

In Gaza, Circles of Hell In Gaza, Circles of Hell

Dante's circles of hell provide an apt metaphor for the Palestinian experience in Gaza. And it can only get worse.

Feb 12, 2007 / Feature / Jen Marlowe

America’s Not Ready to Make Nice America’s Not Ready to Make Nice

Introduced by folk-singing legend Joan Baez as "three brave women," the Dixie Chicks took the stage at the 49th annual Grammy Awards ceremony to sing their no-apologies for dissen...

Feb 12, 2007 / John Nichols

Surging into Hell Surging into Hell

So far, what exactly is surging in Iraq? US casualties, which are at a post-invasion high: According to an Associated Press analysis, more American troops were "killed in comb...

Feb 12, 2007 / The Nation

Circling the Square Circling the Square

The day before Barack Obama announced his candidacy for president in Springfield, I was having breakfast in Chicago with my friend Paul Smith. Paul's what might be called an Obama...

Feb 12, 2007 / The Nation

Fox News Goes Corporate Fox News Goes Corporate

It's official: Rupert Murdoch is launching a new business channel that will be "more business friendly" than its competitors, namely CNBC. As if CNBC (owned by General Electric) ...

Feb 11, 2007 / The Nation
