The Secret Air War Over Iraq The Secret Air War Over Iraq
Just last week, in a typical air strike of the Iraq War, two missiles were fired at targets somewhere in the city of Ramadi, capital of al-Anbar province in the heartland of the S...
Feb 8, 2007 / The Nation
Libby Trial: Russert Ruins the Cover Story Libby Trial: Russert Ruins the Cover Story
After jurors in the I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby perjury trial on Wednesday heard the defendant--on tape--cite Meet the Press host Tim Russert as his ali...
Feb 8, 2007 / David Corn
Mistrial Declared in Lt. Watada Court Martial Mistrial Declared in Lt. Watada Court Martial
U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ehren Watada finally had an opportunity to speak in his own defense Wednesday and in short order raised meaningful concerns about the prospect that he w...
Feb 7, 2007 / The Nation
Afghanistan Days, Kabul Nights Afghanistan Days, Kabul Nights
Northampton, Mass.
Feb 7, 2007 / Our Readers and Peter Bergen
A Message to Congress A Message to Congress
It's time for Congress to stop talking and start moving on Iraq.
Feb 7, 2007 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Filibustering While Iraq Burns Filibustering While Iraq Burns
Ninety US soldiers have died since President Bush announced his plan to escalate the war in Iraq on January 10. There's been a lot of talk about how Congress can challenge Bush's...
Feb 7, 2007 / The Nation
The Alternative to a Failed Status Quo The Alternative to a Failed Status Quo
President Bush and Vice President Cheney constantly claim that critics of the war have not offered an alternative to their proposals to surge deeper into the quagmire they have cr...
Feb 7, 2007 / John Nichols
Mike Gravel’s Campaign Mike Gravel’s Campaign
Last weekend, C-Span radio was broadcasting live the speeches of presidential candidates before the Democratic National Committee in Washington. I was listening in the car while r...
Feb 7, 2007 / The Nation
The Bacon in Bush’s Budget The Bacon in Bush’s Budget
Bush's military budget has less to do with running the country than with rewarding his pals and paying off his political debts.
Feb 7, 2007 / Column / Robert Scheer
Libby Trial: Scooter Speaks, Part II Libby Trial: Scooter Speaks, Part II
As jurors in the trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby spent Tuesday listening to audiotapes of Libby's two appearances in 2004 before the grand jury investigat...
Feb 7, 2007 / David Corn