
Compromising Compromises the Senate Compromising Compromises the Senate

If there was ever a time to embrace Robert M. "Fighting Bob" La Follette's theory that compromise undermines progress it is now. The pioneering progressive reformer of the first ...

Feb 2, 2007 / John Nichols

The Next War Has Already Begun The Next War Has Already Begun

Last weekend's peace march in Washington was short a few bodies. A plane-load of potential marchers was held up by British Airways on our way back from the World Social Forum in N...

Feb 2, 2007 / The Nation

Who Can Stop the War? Who Can Stop the War?

The people don't like the war, but it will go on as long as there is money to fund it.

Feb 2, 2007 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Surge for Peace Surge for Peace

Thanks to the efforts of the peace movement and a significant shift in public opinion, we can stop this war. But it's not going to be easy.

Feb 2, 2007 / Liza Featherstone

The Cost of Escalation The Cost of Escalation

The Iraq war is currently costing American taxpayers $8.4 billion a month. Expect that number to rise when President Bush's escalation fully kicks into effect. According to the ...

Feb 2, 2007 / The Nation

From the Basement to Rayburn From the Basement to Rayburn

On Wednesday, the Congressional Progressive Caucus – now the largest caucus in Congress with 69 members – co-hosted a panel discussion along with The Nation and the Institute ...

Feb 2, 2007 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Libby Trial: Lawyers Clash Over Motive Libby Trial: Lawyers Clash Over Motive

Scooter Libby was thrown under the bus. No, Scooter Libby gave the bus driver false directions. On Thursday, the prosecution and the defense in the ...

Feb 2, 2007 / David Corn

Biden Blunders, Again Biden Blunders, Again

The remarkable thing about Joe Biden's botched announcement of his second presidential run is not that he said something outrageously inappropriate and, if we are to assume that D...

Feb 2, 2007 / John Nichols

Stopping the Next War Stopping the Next War

The Bush Administration has a new one size fits all scapegoat for everything that ails Iraq: Iran. To listen to the Administration recently, you'd think Iran was solely to blame ...

Feb 1, 2007 / The Nation

Don’t Fumble the Football to Al Qaeda Don’t Fumble the Football to Al Qaeda

Here's the good news, Super Bowl XLI fans, the air war at home is going just grand! Yes, you'll see the usual crack team of Air Force Thunderbirds performing over Miami's Dolphin...

Feb 1, 2007 / The Nation
