
Draft Obama! Why Bother? Draft Obama! Why Bother?

Ambitious politicians don't need a draft to run for higher office, but as "draft" sites become a campaign essential, genuine netroots activists will pay the price.

Jan 22, 2007 / Feature / Ari Melber

Reason for Modest Hope Reason for Modest Hope

Shouldn't we pause to take note of the rare convergence that has unfolded in the Democrats' "early bird" contest for president? At this moment, the two hot candidates staring down...

Jan 22, 2007 / The Nation

Escalation Opponents Hold White House Vigil Escalation Opponents Hold White House Vigil

One of over a thousand anti-escalation events taking place around the country.

Jan 22, 2007 / The Nation

Hrant Dink (1954-2007) Hrant Dink (1954-2007)

A courageous editor and fervent Turkish patriot is killed in the name of nationalists intent on burying the inconvenient realities of history.

Jan 22, 2007 / Feature / Ronald Grigor Suny

The Illogic of Empire The Illogic of Empire

Iraq is America's colonial war. Arguments for maintaining colonial rule in India are almost identical to the justifications offered for the continuing presence of US troops in Iraq...

Jan 22, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Gary Younge

Protesting the War Protesting the War

On Saturday, January 27 there will be a major mobilization in Washington, DC against the war in Iraq organized by United for Peace and Justice. The idea is to show Congress that A...

Jan 22, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Thinking Vietnam, Fighting in Iraq Thinking Vietnam, Fighting in Iraq

It's been a repetitive phenomenon of these last years--when fears about disaster (or further disaster, or even the farthest reaches of disaster) in Iraq rise, so does the specter ...

Jan 22, 2007 / The Nation

Sarah Olson and the Struggle to Save Journalism Sarah Olson and the Struggle to Save Journalism

American journalism is under assault. The Telecommunications Act of 1996,with its encouragement of media consolidation and homogenization, hasprovoked a marked decline in the dive...

Jan 22, 2007 / John Nichols

Goodbye, Horatio Alger Goodbye, Horatio Alger

Is education widening the class divide?

Jan 21, 2007 / Feature / Jeff Madrick

EPI’s Agenda for Change EPI’s Agenda for Change

Americans are ready for big, bold ideas to heal our social and economic wounds.

Jan 21, 2007 / William Greider
