Turning Dreams Into C-Notes Turning Dreams Into C-Notes
A student at Morgan College fills a void in the community with C-Note, his own line of clothing.
Jan 17, 2007 / The Nation
Reflections on SDS, Black Power, War and Racism, 40 Years Later Reflections on SDS, Black Power, War and Racism, 40 Years Later
The same three pillars of US society that Dr. King urged people to confront--racism, imperialism, capitalism--continue with unabated brutality. What can be done? History may hold s...
Jan 17, 2007 / The Nation
A 50-State Response to Bush A 50-State Response to Bush
As state legislators grow increasingly opposed to an Iraq war that is stretching and weakening the National Guard and draining desperately needed funds at home, activists and legi...
Jan 17, 2007 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
The Denial of Death The Denial of Death
The botched executions in Baghdad have revived public discussion of thesordid "science" of killing people in a "humane" manner. Saddam Husseinwas taunted by his executioners as th...
Jan 16, 2007 / The Nation
Libby Trial, Day One: Can You Trust Cheney? Libby Trial, Day One: Can You Trust Cheney?
"Would any of you have any difficulty fairly judging the believability of former or present members of the Bush Administration?" In a Washington cou...
Jan 16, 2007 / David Corn
Obama Steps Up… And Into the 2008 Race Obama Steps Up… And Into the 2008 Race
With his decision to file the necessary paperwork to launch a presidential campaign exploratory committee, Barack Obama puts an end to speculation about whether he really is inter...
Jan 16, 2007 / John Nichols
Blink Tanks Fight to Restore Habeas Corpus Blink Tanks Fight to Restore Habeas Corpus
Progressive "blink tanks" are pressuring Congressional Democrats to work to restore civil liberties lost by passage of Bush's Military Commissions Act.
Jan 16, 2007 / Feature / Ari Melber
The Cost of War in Treasure and Lives The Cost of War in Treasure and Lives
As Democrats debate how best to oppose President Bush's escalation of a war that has already squandered $400 billion and too many American and Iraqi lives, one of the Senate's bes...
Jan 16, 2007 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Bush’s Crooked Ways Bush’s Crooked Ways
Does anyone in a Shakespeare play foretell President George W. Bush, who has not only committed more forces to his catastrophic war in Iraq, but now also threatens to attack Iran...
Jan 16, 2007 / The Nation
Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby and the New Definition of “Honesty” Dick Cheney, Scooter Libby and the New Definition of “Honesty”
Dick Cheney worked in the White House of Richard Nixon, who had to resign as Congress began impeachment proceedings that grew out of his dishonest and disreputable stewardship of ...
Jan 15, 2007 / John Nichols