
Incarceration Nation Incarceration Nation

America now leads the world in the number of people behind bars. But hope is emerging that state governments and the courts will seek to hold back the hand of the carceral state.

Jan 5, 2007 / Feature / Silja J.A. Talvi

Bush Wants to Read Your Mail Bush Wants to Read Your Mail

Two days after the Democrats took control of the House and Senate, they are already facing a challenge by this administration's claim of "Unitary Powers." This time it's not our t...

Jan 5, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

Johnny Populist Johnny Populist

John Edwards's hard-edged populism could be an antidote to the surreal Bush years.

Jan 5, 2007 / Bob Moser

For America’s Sake For America’s Sake

Its time our leaders recognize Americans hold a set of values that contradict the conservative agenda that has dominated politics for a generation.

Jan 5, 2007 / Feature / Bill Moyers

Tillie Olsen: 1912-2007 Tillie Olsen: 1912-2007

Celebrating the eloquence of the feminist, activist and writer in whose work memory, history, poetry and prophecy converge.

Jan 5, 2007 / Books & the Arts / John Leonard

Taunting Bush on Saddam’s Gallows Taunting Bush on Saddam’s Gallows

Those cries of "Muqtada! Muqtada!" were aimed at more than Saddam or even Iraq's Sunnis. They went right to the heart of the President's policy failures. Every now and then, ...

Jan 5, 2007 / The Nation

Top 10 for a More Perfect Union Top 10 for a More Perfect Union

The "thumping" taken by the Republican Congress on election day was notjust a rejection of K Street corruption and the catastrophe in Iraq. Itwas a call to action on issues that ...

Jan 5, 2007 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Will a New Congress Check and Balance Bush? Will a New Congress Check and Balance Bush?

The wonder of American democracy is the fact that power can be transferred from one party to another peacefully and, at times, even graciously. The reason for this, of course, is...

Jan 5, 2007 / John Nichols

Labor Rights Begin at Home Labor Rights Begin at Home

The right to workplace democracy, that is the right to form a union and collectively bargain, is a human right. Perhaps it sounds overly grandiose to say this, but that alone show...

Jan 4, 2007 / The Nation

Going Local Going Local

Most ActNow readers will be familiar with many of the well-known liberal bloggers and blogs. Sites like The DailyKos, Talking Points Memo, Atrios and The Huffington Post all draw ...

Jan 4, 2007 / Peter Rothberg
