
Heroes and Zeroes of 2006 Heroes and Zeroes of 2006

With an abortion ban in South Dakota, a pitched battle over the FDA's approval of the "morning-after" pill for over-the-counter sales, continued struggles over anti-choice Bush Ad...

Jan 3, 2007 / Peter Rothberg

An Act of Barbarism An Act of Barbarism

Someone has to say it: The hanging of Saddam Hussein was an act of barbarism that mocks all of Bush's posturing on Iraq.

Jan 3, 2007 / Column / Robert Scheer

This Just In from Pat Robertson This Just In from Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson, that wise prognosticator you all know and love has a brand new prediction for his flock: millions of them will most likely die at the end of this new year. On his ...

Jan 3, 2007 / The Nation

Gays: Uncle Sam Wants You Gays: Uncle Sam Wants You

Welcome to 2007. Though the US death toll in Iraq just hit 3,000, President Bush remains adamant about sending a "surge" of up to 40,000 new troops to the region. But where will t...

Jan 2, 2007 / The Nation

Now You Tell Us, Jerry Now You Tell Us, Jerry

Now that he is safely dead, good guy Jerry Ford has come out against the war.

Jan 2, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

Kristol Clear at Time Kristol Clear at Time

The market doesn't work -- not when it comes to conservative commentators. Before the Iraq war, rightwing (and middle-of-the-road) pundits claimed ...

Jan 2, 2007 / David Corn

Ford, Cheney, Checks and Balances Ford, Cheney, Checks and Balances

There has been much discussion over the past several days about the many contributions former President Gerald Ford made to the American political experiment. Surely, his was a s...

Jan 2, 2007 / John Nichols

Rule of Noose Rule of Noose

Justice and reconciliation for the victims of Saddam Hussein will not be found at the end of a hangman's rope.

Dec 31, 2006 / Bruce Shapiro

The Consequences of Killing Saddam The Consequences of Killing Saddam

More violence, waning chances for reconciliation and a trove of secrets taken to the grave.

Dec 31, 2006 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss

Questioning Capital Punishment Questioning Capital Punishment

As doubts grow about the humanity and constitutionality of lethal injection, California, Florida and Maryland have shut down executions. America's flight from the death penalty co...

Dec 31, 2006 / Feature / Bruce Shapiro
