‘Gruesome.’ ‘Barbaric.’ ‘Politicized.’ ‘Farcical.’ ‘Gruesome.’ ‘Barbaric.’ ‘Politicized.’ ‘Farcical.’
While much of U.S. media coverage of Saddam Hussein's execution has strained to echo the Bush administration's suggestion that "justice" was done, the international reaction to th...
Dec 31, 2006 / The Nation
America’s Complicity in Saddam’s Crimes America’s Complicity in Saddam’s Crimes
Saddam Hussein's execution on Dec. 30 prevents him from being put on trial for his most serious crimes – genocide against the Kurds and the use of poison gas...
Dec 31, 2006 / Jon Wiener
Time Is on Our Side? Time Is on Our Side?
"The pace of life feels morally dangerous to me."--Richard Ford, novelist"Time is on my side" --The Rolling Stones As the New Year begins, I keep reflecting on Time. It runs thro...
Dec 30, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Change the World in 2007 Change the World in 2007
We should all be thankful that 2006 is ending in so much better shape than it started. Media Matters' recent round-up of the most outrageous right-wing comments of the passing ye...
Dec 30, 2006 / Peter Rothberg
A Show Trial and a Show Execution A Show Trial and a Show Execution
Convicted in a show trial that certainly appeared to have been timed tofinish on the eve of last month's US elections, Iraqi President SaddamHussein was hanged in a show execution...
Dec 30, 2006 / The Nation
Most Valuable Progressives of 2006 Most Valuable Progressives of 2006
Any year that begins with Bill Frist and Tom DeLay running the Capitol and ends with Frist out of politics and DeLay headed for trial gets high marks from this quarter. Throw in t...
Dec 29, 2006 / John Nichols
Ford: Bush Made “Big Mistake” With Iraq War Ford: Bush Made “Big Mistake” With Iraq War
As the nation mourns the passing of former President Gerald Ford, President Bush has been appropriately respectful. Hopefully, however, the current occupant of the Oval Office's r...
Dec 28, 2006 / The Nation
Annan’s Principled Pragmatism Annan’s Principled Pragmatism
Although Kofi Annan's tenure was shadowed by political catfights, he leaves the United Nations as one of its most successful secretary generals.
Dec 28, 2006 / Feature / Ian Williams
Lt. Ehren Watada: Resister Lt. Ehren Watada: Resister
Facing a showdown court-martial for refusing to serve in an illegal and unjust war, Lieut. Ehren Watada has become a flashpoint for the antiwar movement.
Dec 28, 2006 / Feature / Marc Cooper
Get Carter Get Carter
The flap over Jimmy Carter's new book underscores that the Israel lobby in the United States exists to serve only the interests of the Israeli right wing.
Dec 28, 2006 / Chris Hedges