The Other Lieberman The Other Lieberman
Many Israelis and their US supporters are sleeping through the rise of the virulently anti-Arab Avigdor Lieberman, seen as a threat to democracy itself.
Dec 7, 2006 / Ben Lynfield
A Safe Haven for Torturers A Safe Haven for Torturers
Yesterday's indictment of Roy Belfast, Jr. aka Charles "Chuckie" Taylor, the son of former Liberian President Charles Taylor, was understandably applauded by human rights groups. ...
Dec 7, 2006 / The Nation
The Iraq Study Group: A Fatal Flaw The Iraq Study Group: A Fatal Flaw
The Iraq Study Group report is a stunning rebuke of Bush's Iraq policy. But its central premise--that the US can support the nonexistent Iraqi government and bolster its viciously ...
Dec 7, 2006 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
Jesse Jackson: Dems Must Hold Bush to Account Jesse Jackson: Dems Must Hold Bush to Account
The Rev. Jesse Jackson is prodding the incoming Democratic Congress to take more seriously its duty to hold President Bush and members of his administration to account for engagin...
Dec 7, 2006 / John Nichols
A Fair and Square Vote in Venezuela A Fair and Square Vote in Venezuela
A New York judge, invited to observe the Venezuelan presidential election, discovers a functional democracy, reliable electronic-voting technology and a passionate, engaged elector...
Dec 6, 2006 / Feature / Emily Jane Goodman
If It’s Broke, Fix It… If It’s Broke, Fix It…
Ashland, Ore.
Dec 6, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel and Our Readers
Only a Rainbow Will Win Only a Rainbow Will Win
This past Election Day, Netta Young-Hughes attempted to become the first African-American to represent Pennsylvania's 70th district in the state House. She lost by just over 100 ...
Dec 6, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Dems Bite Rubin’s Hand Dems Bite Rubin’s Hand
Robert Rubin, the reigning guru on economic policy for the Democraticparty, got a stiff surprise when he appeared today beforethe closed caucus meeting of House Democrats. A bunch...
Dec 6, 2006 / The Nation
Big Pharma Against AIDS Big Pharma Against AIDS
Last Friday I wrote about some good ways to mark World AIDS Day on December 1. Well, I missed something, which The Nation's well-read Controller just pointed out, and it's worth s...
Dec 6, 2006 / Peter Rothberg
Baker Report Slaps Bush, Takes the Middle Ground Baker Report Slaps Bush, Takes the Middle Ground
James Baker did not enter the Senate committee room bearing two tablets. But the Bush clan adviser and former secretary of state had high expectations to me...
Dec 6, 2006 / David Corn