
Point, No Counterpoint: The Conservative Beat Point, No Counterpoint: The Conservative Beat

The New York Times editors do a service by covering right-wingers: It would make sense to similarly cover progressives. Why don't they?

Dec 7, 2006 / Column / Eric Alterman

On the Iraq Memo Donald Rumsfeld Wrote as He Was About to Be Fired On the Iraq Memo Donald Rumsfeld Wrote as He Was About to Be Fired

Goodness, gracious! He was right all along.

Dec 7, 2006 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Nation Note Nation Note

After a memorable thirty-five years, Grace Schulman steps down as Nation poetry editor.

Dec 7, 2006 / The Editors

Brady Kiesling’s Tale Brady Kiesling’s Tale

A disenchanted diplomat who lost faith in the Bush-era State Department and resigned over the war in Iraq remains idealistic.

Dec 7, 2006 / Scott Sherman

The Other Lieberman The Other Lieberman

Many Israelis and their US supporters are sleeping through the rise of the virulently anti-Arab Avigdor Lieberman, seen as a threat to democracy itself.

Dec 7, 2006 / Ben Lynfield

A Safe Haven for Torturers A Safe Haven for Torturers

Yesterday's indictment of Roy Belfast, Jr. aka Charles "Chuckie" Taylor, the son of former Liberian President Charles Taylor, was understandably applauded by human rights groups. ...

Dec 7, 2006 / The Nation

The Iraq Study Group: A Fatal Flaw The Iraq Study Group: A Fatal Flaw

The Iraq Study Group report is a stunning rebuke of Bush's Iraq policy. But its central premise--that the US can support the nonexistent Iraqi government and bolster its viciously ...

Dec 7, 2006 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss

Jesse Jackson: Dems Must Hold Bush to Account Jesse Jackson: Dems Must Hold Bush to Account

The Rev. Jesse Jackson is prodding the incoming Democratic Congress to take more seriously its duty to hold President Bush and members of his administration to account for engagin...

Dec 7, 2006 / John Nichols

A Fair and Square Vote in Venezuela A Fair and Square Vote in Venezuela

A New York judge, invited to observe the Venezuelan presidential election, discovers a functional democracy, reliable electronic-voting technology and a passionate, engaged elector...

Dec 6, 2006 / Feature / Emily Jane Goodman

If It’s Broke, Fix It… If It’s Broke, Fix It…

Ashland, Ore.

Dec 6, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel and Our Readers
