
A Progressive Beat A Progressive Beat

After progressive victories across the nation on Election Day – with winning candidates at the federal, state, and local levels, and on issues ranging from the minimum wage to t...

Nov 27, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Media, Democracy and the FCC Media, Democracy and the FCC

In 2003, an unprecedented groundswell of popular opposition killed then-Federal Communications Commission chairman Michael Powell's efforts to eliminate rules that limit the abili...

Nov 26, 2006 / Peter Rothberg

Their Opportunism, Our Opportunity Their Opportunism, Our Opportunity

Mainstream media have transformed the permanent presidential campaign into a never-ending soap opera. Progressives must create the movements that will influence whoever decides to ...

Nov 26, 2006 / Column / Gary Younge

Big Win for Enviros Big Win for Enviros

America's environmentalists won big in the midterm elections. But can they make real progress on climate change by 2008 and beyond?

Nov 26, 2006 / Mark Hertsgaard

Backdoor Diplomacy in Iraq Backdoor Diplomacy in Iraq

On Thanksgiving eve, writer and activist Tom Hayden posted an explosive article at Huffington Post about what may be elements of the US's secret diplomatic exit strategy from Iraq...

Nov 25, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Political “News” Replaced By Political Ads Political “News” Replaced By Political Ads

When Franklin Roosevelt and the first New Deal Congress faced the question of how best to organize broadcasting on the public airwaves, they enacted the federal Communications A...

Nov 24, 2006 / John Nichols

Can We Feed the World? Absolutely Can We Feed the World? Absolutely

It is Thanksgiving Day, a moment when Americans celebrate the abundance of our harvest. There is much to be thankful for. Most, though certainly not all, Americans will be well f...

Nov 23, 2006 / The Nation

“Freedom, Brotherhood, and Justice…” “Freedom, Brotherhood, and Justice…”

Sixty-five years ago, in that tense passage after the worst of the Great Depression began to ease but before the bombings at Pearl Harbor drew this country into the wars of Europe...

Nov 23, 2006 / John Nichols

Moral Consequences of the Occupation Moral Consequences of the Occupation

It may be an old saw, but it remains true: power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. And this, ultimately, is why occupation is so pernicious. The occupier is at once...

Nov 22, 2006 / The Nation

Flying While Arab Flying While Arab

In my last post I wrote about a woman who was kicked off a Delta Airlines plane for feeding her baby. That could easily have been me; I fly often with my (breastfed) baby, and it ...

Nov 22, 2006 / The Nation
