
An Iraq Vet Fights Back An Iraq Vet Fights Back

For nearly three years now, KellyDougherty has been standing up against the war in Iraq. Thiswouldn't be all that significant if it weren't for the fact thatDougherty actually ser...

Nov 20, 2006 / The Nation

Dems Rebut Carter on Israeli ‘Apartheid’ Dems Rebut Carter on Israeli ‘Apartheid’

Jimmy Carter's bold new book on the plight of Palestinians has piqued Congressional Democrats who tailor their views to the Israel lobby.

Nov 20, 2006 / Feature / Michael F. Brown

The Uncovered War: Air Power in Iraq The Uncovered War: Air Power in Iraq

In addition to our largely ignored permanent bases in Iraq, here's another mystery of Iraqi (and Afghani) media coverage: The essential American way of war -- air power -- has lon...

Nov 20, 2006 / The Nation

Full Steam Ahead Full Steam Ahead

Representatives Barbara Lee and Lynn Woolsey – co-Chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus – aren't concerned about the close-to-conventional wisdom that conservative an...

Nov 20, 2006 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Pelosi’s Problem Pelosi’s Problem

Of course, House Democrats made a mistake in choosing the slick favorite of Washington special interests, Steny Hoyer, over shambling populist John Murtha to serve as House Majori...

Nov 19, 2006 / John Nichols

McCain’s Misguided Policy McCain’s Misguided Policy

What is Senator John McCain smoking? The war in Iraq is a rapidly disintegrating mess and McCain wants to send more US troops directly into harm's way. "Without additional combat ...

Nov 17, 2006 / The Nation

The Lessons of History The Lessons of History

While there may be something great about winning a war, the United States must learn there is something much greater about using the tools of peacemaking to build a better world.

Nov 17, 2006 / Books & the Arts / John Hope Franklin

Democrats and Withdrawal from Iraq: Asking Too Much? Democrats and Withdrawal from Iraq: Asking Too Much?

For Democrats, here's the bad news: now that they have won control of Congress, they are expected to not only criticize President Bush's policies in Iraq bu...

Nov 17, 2006 / David Corn

No Fresh Faces for House GOP No Fresh Faces for House GOP

"We did not just lose our majority ... we lost our way," Indiana Republican Representative Mike Pence told the diminished House Republican Caucus Thursday as he urged them to elec...

Nov 17, 2006 / The Nation

The Senate’s “Horrible Mistake” The Senate’s “Horrible Mistake”

For decades, the official policy of the United States has been to discourage nuclear proliferation, particularly in southern Asia. But the U.S. Senate now says: No more. At the ...

Nov 17, 2006 / John Nichols
